32. facetime

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just a lil something i made bc i thought it was cute hehe

just a lil something i made bc i thought it was cute hehe

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Tom ❤️ is requesting to FaceTime !
accept | decline

Hey love!

Hey cutie, I miss you

I miss you too,
How was your day?

Not bad,
We just got to Toronto!
It's really nice here,
i'm going to go explore later with Cass and Becca.

Send me pictures!
I've always wanted to visit.

I will!
So what have you been up to?

Well, Haz is coming over in a bit.
I think we're going to go golfing.

Coralynn chuckles.

Those videos you post on instragram of you golfing are very entertaining.

Why thank you!

They both laugh.

I met this fan the other night and she said something that made me miss you a lot.

Coralynn frowns.

What was it?

She asked me, like super enthusiastically, if I was going to see you for my birthday, and it hurt me so much to tell her no.

Tom frowned to try to resist the urge to spill his plans.

Aww, was she disappointed?

Yeah, she really was. I felt so bad.

I really wish I could spend your birthday with you, love.

Me too, but we'll celebrate when we see each other again.

They both smile sadly at each other.

Just two more weeks.

Coralynn nods.

Just two more weeks.

So sorry I haven't posted in a bit but thank you for 5k reads !! ahh it means so much to me :)
also there's a little foreshadowing in this chapter heheh

SUE ME! tom holland ✓Where stories live. Discover now