54. real life & instagram

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this is the last chapter before the epilogue so I am big sad :( made this chapter extra long for y'all, enjoy <3

"What do you want to watch?" Tom asks from the living room.

Tom had returned from London just a few hours ago and the couple had decided to spend the rest of their evening binging netflix. Coralynn is currently in the kitchen, gathering snacks, while Tom laid under a soft blanket on the couch and scrolled through their show options on the TV.

"Stranger Things? We could binge both seasons before season three comes out!" Coralynn suggests as she buries herself under the blanket and snuggles herself closer to Tom.

"Sure love, but I don't think we'll finish." Tom says as he uses the remote to start the first episode.

"Have some faith, Thomas!" Coralynn teases, grabbing a piece of popcorn from the bowl and tossing it at Tom.

The piece of popcorn barely grazes Tom's cheek but dramatically, Tom fakes a gasp and places his hand over his heart as if he was hurt, "How dare you!"

Coralynn makes a grimacing face and chuckles when Tom starts to wiggle his fingers towards her.

"You're not going to tickle me, are you?" Coralynn sarcastically asks. When Tom gets even closer, Coralynn's smile drops, "...Are you?"

Coralynn shrieks and begins to uncontrollably giggle when Tom mercilessly tickles her.

"Say you're sorry!" Tom growls as he tickles Coralynn.

"I h-hope you know how i-immature this is, Thomas!" Coralynn breathes out in between giggles.

"I didn't hear a sorry..." Tom teases, tickling her even harder.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry! Just...please... stop tickling me...!" Coralynn manages to say, but she was very out of breath by now.

Satisfied, Tom finally stops and chuckles at Coralynn who was catching her breath, "But seriously, we can't finish! Each episode is almost an hour long."

"And we've already missed the beginning of episode one because of you!" Coralynn laughs.


♡ liked by danielle

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♡ liked by danielle.adams, tomholland2013 and 2.8M others

happy.cora someone looks pissed 👀

view all 18,966 comments

tomholland2013 stfu we both know you posted this one instead of the one where i was smiling on purpose

happy.cora whaaa... oops too late now

username3 ^ LMAO LOVE THAT

username2 god really took his time making you two 😍

beccawilson damn okk go off

happy.cora hehe ilysm

username3 idk who's hotter, Tom or Coralynn

zendaya definitely Cora

happy.cora thank you my love

username4 🔥🔥🔥

lifeisaloha why wasn't i invited :(

hazosterfield same 😤

tomholland2013 ...sorry mates...uh next time?

cassandraaa is that my dress?

happy.cora idk what you're talking about...


"C'mon slowpoke! It's not even that cold," Tom says as he holds his hand out for Coralynn to grab.

Tom had been in the pool for five minutes trying to convince Coralynn to get in already. Five minutes ago, Coralynn dipped her foot in the water and immediately decided the water was way too cold.

"Yeah right," Coralynn huffs, but still grabs on to Tom's outstretched hand which she quickly realizes was a mistake.

Tom lets out a dark chuckle before he yanks Coralynn into the pool, making her scream. A huge splash washes over Tom and he is still laughing when Coralynn rises back up to the surface.

"You jerk!" Coralynn pouts, shivering from the chilly water.

"Sorry darling, but you were never going to get in if I didn't do anything!" Tom apologizes.

Coralynn grumbles under her breath and crosses her arms, turning away from Tom. While he is distracted, Coralynn quickly makes a huge wave with her hands and splashes Tom. Being caught off guard, Tom's jaw drops when the water hits him.

"How rude!" Tom says, mimicking Stephanie from Full House. Coralynn laughs at his high pitched impression.

"Says you! You pulled me in first," Coralynn responds, raising her eyebrows.

A yelp escapes Coralynn when Tom splashes her back. Pretty soon, a splash war breaks out between the two. The edges of the pool are drenched by the time they're both tired out.

"Truce?" Coralynn cautiously asks, slowly swimming towards Tom.

Tom pretends to think about it and then holds his hand out for Coralynn to shake, "Fine, but only because I'm tired and hungry so I want to get out now."

Coralynn playfully rolls her eyes and shakes Tom's hand. As soon as she grasps onto Tom's hand, he pulls her through the water and into his embrace.

"Geez, I thought you were going to drown me again!" Coralynn pretends to sighs in relief and rests her head on Tom's shoulder.

"Again?" Tom chuckles.

"Joking. Let's go inside, it's cold." Coralynn says quietly into Tom's ear.

Tom pulls them apart from the hug, leaving them standing inches away from each other. Tom leans in and kisses Coralynn who gladly kisses back. She wraps her arms around Tom's neck while he gently puts his hands on Coralynn's waist. The kiss deepens until they eventually run out of air and gently pull their lips apart.

"Still cold?" Tom whispers.

"Definitely not, but maybe I should be cold more often if this is how you're going to warm me up," Coralynn breathily laughs.

Water drips off his hand as Tom lifts Coralynn's chin, making their eyes meet. As he gazes into his lover's eyes, Tom breathes out, "I love you."

Coralynn smiles, "I love you too."

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