24. texts & facetime

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Tom ❤️
hey love :)
i just finished filming
hope you're feeling better
get well soon so i can kiss you again
i miss you and your cuddles lots
even though i just saw you a few days ago
can't wait to talk to you when i get home, getting in the car now xx

Coralynn ❤️
you're incredible did you know that?
call me when you get home <3

- twenty minutes later -

Tom ❤️ is requesting to FaceTime !
accept | decline

Hey love!

Hi baby, how was your day?

Pretty good, we reshot some scenes and should be wrapping up soon.

I can't wait to see the movie, Tom!

Speaking of seeing the movie, now that you're my girlfriend...

I love hearing you call me that...

Well I love calling you that so the feeling is mutual.

Mhm, so what were you going to ask?

Oh yeah! Would you go to the premiere with me? as my date?

Like down the red carpet where paparazzi will see us?

It's okay if you're not ready, I just thought I should ask.

No! I'd be happy to go with you.

Really? Yes! That means a lot to me, love. Now I have another reason to be excited for the premiere.

You know, we should probably tell our friends we're official.

Oh right! I forgot they don't know yet.

I'm honestly really happy to tell everyone.

Me too, it just seems surreal to me.

What does?

I don't know, maybe the fact that I'm dating such a beautiful and amazing girl like you?

You're too sweet, Tom. It should be me that's finding this surreal. I'm dating Spiderman!

Alright, so let's tell them tomorrow?

Sounds like a plan!

SUE ME! tom holland ✓Where stories live. Discover now