Chapter Thirty-One: Like a Criminal

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{I changed the cover so I thought I'd put the old one in here cuz it was cool lol

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{I changed the cover so I thought I'd put the old one in here cuz it was cool lol. The font was probably my favorite part cuz it was actually dinosaurs}

~If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, I'll sail the world to find you~
Count on me – Bruno Mars

~3rd Person POV~

"Special agent Ness has suffered severe hypoxia," Gideon explains to Sara, Nathan, Ray and Jessica, who all stand around Ness' unconscious body in the med bay. "It will take some time to reverse his brain damage."

"You can undo brain damage?" Nate asks, shocked that technology this advanced is even possible. "Why haven't you helped Rory out?"

"Who says I haven't?"

"All right, let's get serious," Sara snaps.
"Obviously, Capone somehow knew that Ness would be the one to take him down."

"When we were at the docks, Capone said something about having new friends," Ray adds.

"But we have a bigger problem— I mean, another problem," Nate corrects himself. "This week, Ness and his team are supposed to obtain Capone's ledger from his bookkeeper.
Now the IRS's case against Capone for tax evasion is completely dependent on that ledger."

"Which Ness can't grab while he's lying here with brain damage," Sara concludes.

"Exactly, which means one of us has to take his place," Nate explains.

"Okay, lets take this to the rest of the team," Sara claps her hands to move the four of them along.

"We'll meet you in there," Ray tells her. "Gideon needs to scan her and make sure she's okay."

"Yeah," Sara nods. "You know what's happening so I'm not waiting."

"That's fine," Ray answers allowing Sara to walk away. He turns and leads Jessica to the other seat and brings down the futuristic technology to let Gideon check for any damage on Jessica that he can't already see. The bottoms of her feet are torn horribly, the main suspect being the shattered glass underneath the docks.

"How long this take?" She asks him.

"About ten minutes," he answers. "It'll be way longer if she finds anything though, so lay back and let her do her thing."

"You stay, yes?"

Ray smiles and answers with a simple, "yeah." He pulls a chair from the corner of the room and sits next to her and after a moment of unwanted silence, Ray breaks it by starting up an English lesson.

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