Chapter 49

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*a month later*

Diggy- You sure you’re okay?

Y/N- You know I hate when you ask me that a million times..

Diggy- I’m..

Y/N- *puts her hand up* Just making sure. I got it. I’m fine, believe me.. I’ll see you in a few minutes.. *goes to the room* *closes the door*

I watched her leave and go into the room for her following installment of the scans. She had a CT scan and now it was time for the chest X-Ray and Bone Scan. I made sure it was a private hospital to treat her in, none of this government hospital stuff… You have no idea how hard it was for me to understand that my wife actually had cancer… she was dying. It killed me to even think about that and I hated it. I hated it so much.

Such a good, loyal person, the most beautiful person in my eyes and she had this come upon her. I’d cry when she wasn’t around, breaking down in tears, on my knees, hitting my fist against whatever wall or floor was around me, begging and asking God why it had to happen to her. To us. 

*half an hour later*

Doctor- *walks outside* Hi, Mr Simmons..

Diggy- *stands up* Hi.. how is she?

Doctor- She’s good. Follow me in the room,t here are some things we want to talk about.. *walks back in the room*

Diggy- *closes the door and sits beside you*

Doctor- I’ve gone over the scans, the procedure went well and you cooperated well Y/N..

Y/N- *smiles a little*

Doctor- There is bad news however..

Diggy- What? *holds your hand tighter*

Doctor- In the bone scan, we found cancer cells multiplying in the bones of your body quite rapidly.. and compared to our first scan that we did, it’s multiplied a lot. And the CT scan showed that there are cancer cells in the tissue of your breasts, particularly your right breast.

Y/N- Oh..

Doctor- So we’re going to initiate treatment and further consultation for you as soon as possible, especially because you’re one of our more immediate patients.

Y/N- Thank you

Diggy- Wait, what does this mean?

Doctor- It means that the cancer is spreading at an increasing rate Mr Simmons.. there’s nothing that can stop the cells multiplying, however we will take further actions to prevent this from getting any worse.

Y/N- *grabs Diggy’s hand* Thank you Doctor *leaves*

Y/N- *rushes out*

Diggy- *runs up to you and looks at you* Hey, stop…

Y/N- Why? Diggy, I have a busy day, I can’t slow down

Diggy- Not even to take care of yourself? Y/N, you heard what he said..

Y/N- And so did you. There’s nothing me or you can do to prevent it from getting worse. So I’m gonna live normally..

Diggy- You know we can’t

Y/N- And why not? I’ve been doing it for over 30 years, I can keep going

Diggy- *shakes you gently* Y/N.. you have cancer. That’s not normal

Y/N- *brushes his hands off*

Diggy- Babe, I didn’t mean it like that

Y/N- I have a client to see *walks away*

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