Chapter 10

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She didn’t… say anything. Y/N just stood there, her jaw was slightly open and she couldn’t believe what I just said.

Diggy- *clears throat* I said I.. I think I’m in love with you…

Y/N- *confused* Really?

Diggy- Yes, really.. I seriously am

Y/N- Oh my God.. *eyes water* *puts hand over her face*

Diggy- *walks towards her* No, Y/N don’t cry.. *holds you* I’m so infatuated with you.. I really think I’ve fallen in love with you.. You do feel the same way, right?

Y/N- *looks at him*

Diggy- *looks in her eyes* Right?

Y/N- *kisses him*

Diggy- *makes out with her*

Y/N- *breaks kiss* *smiles nervously*

Diggy- I er.. you didn’t answer my question

Y/N- Look, Dig, I’m scared..

Diggy- Of what?

Y/N- To fall in love with you. I’m scared of being heartbroken after all this. Of this all going wrong, of us doing wrong to each other or things not going how I’d love for them to.. I don’t want to fall in love with you and it becomes a mistake

Diggy- You’ll never know that if you don’t.

Y/N- *sniffles*

Diggy- *holds her shoulder* Look, I promise and with all my heart that I will love you, take care of you and be there for you. I never want you to feel anything less than happiness…

Y/N- *smiles*

Diggy- *brushes her hair behind her ear*…As your boyfriend, I’ll make that all happen..

Y/N- Wait, boyfriend? When did that happen?

Diggy- Hm, about ten seconds ago.. 

Y/N- *smiles and kisses him* *whispers* I love you too..

I laid her down on the bed and kissed her all over. She ran her hands under my shirt and I felt up and down from her hips to her waist. We made out and kissed each other. 

Diggy- *reaches his hand to her bra*

Y/N- *pushes his hand away* *stops kissing him* Hey!

Diggy- *looks at her* What’s up?

Y/N- We ain’t on that level yet.. you can’t go there

Diggy- Woah, I thought boyfriends had special privileges..

Y/N- *sits up* Hold up, is that what you thought this was?

Diggy- Thought what?

Y/N- You thought you could sweeten me with words then fuck me?

Diggy- *sits back* *holds your hand* Fuck you? No, no, not at all.. I have too much respect for you to do that. How could you even think that?

Y/N- Okay well, I don’t wanna be going so far and so fast with us. 

Diggy- Alright.. should we take it slow and.. do what feels comfortable? I’d be happier doing that

Y/N- Yeah me too.

Diggy- *looks her up and down* Can I kiss you again?

Y/N- I’ll go first.. *kisses him*

*the next day*

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