Chapter 51

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*hours later that night*

*police and the media arrive at the scene*

News Reporter- *speaking to the camera* There has been a huge accident at the scene of the Route 495 Interstate in New York. Caused by a truck which swerved onto the other side of the road, crashing into three vehicles. No deaths but an estimated five accidents have occurred so far in several of the vehicles that were severely hit. Bodies are still being pulled from the truck and emergency services have been called

Police- *surround the accident*

Police- *take details of the cars and vehicles*

Y/N- *moves head back and forth* Daniel…

Medic- We’re getting you to the hospital, can you tell us your name sweetheart?

Y/N- *grumbles* It’s Y/N…

Medic- *lifts you into the ambulance* We’re getting you to the hospital as soon as we can Y/N.. stay with us

Y/N- *closes eyes*

Medic- I think we’re losing her.. move quickly!

Ambulance- *doors close*

*the next morning*


Diggy- *wakes up* *sees Shenae on his lap* Huh? *slides her off carefully* Shh…

Shenae- *wakes up a little* Daddy?

Diggy- *looks at her and kisses her head* Yes baby? Just go back to sleep honey, it’s still early

Shenae- *nods and falls back asleep*

Diggy- *looks at the clock* Damn, too early.. *walks around the house* *calls* Y/N? Babe, you here?

*doorbell rings*

Diggy- *walks to the intercom and answers it* Hello?

Police- Am I speaking to Daniel Simmons?

Diggy- *confused* Yes you are..

Police- Could you let us in?

Diggy- Of course.. *buzzes them in* *opens the door*

Police- *approach the door*

Diggy- What can I do for you officers?

Policemen- *looks at each other*

Police- Sir, we are sorry to tell you that… your wife Y/N Simmons.. she has died in an accident on the New York Interstate Route 495

Diggy- *eyes widen* *starts to shake* Wh…what?

Police- It occurred late last night and she was taken to hospital in the early hours of the morning.. but we are told she died soon after reaching the emergency services

Diggy- *shakes his head frantically* No, no, no this can’t be true.. you must be lying to me.. *tears form in his eyes*

Police- We are deeply sorry for your loss sir..

Diggy- *breaks down in tears* *covers his face and crouches to the ground* *cries*

Police- *rub his back* Can we offer to take you to the Morgue at the hospital?

Diggy- Yes please…

Shenae- *gets up* Daddy? Why are you crying?

Diggy- *looks at her* Um.. *sniffles* Daddy got some bad news sweetie.. I have to go and visit some people. Will you be good for me when I leave you with Auntie Kumiko?

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