Chapter 8

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*a week later on Christmas Eve* *10:35am*

Michelle- Y/N.. Y/N.. *rocks you gently* good morning! Time to wake up..

Y/N- *rolls over in bed* No, wake me up when the world is over.

Michelle- Honey, I don’t think anyone could wake you up then..

Y/N- How is it even a good morning? The devil is gonna marry my dad..

Michelle- I know you feel that way, but hey, free food at a wedding huh?

Y/N- *smirks* You know me too well..

Michelle- And lighten up, Diggy’s going with you and so is Kumiko and you’ll have your siblings too.. it’s not too bad. You can all hate Lauren together

Y/N- Reasons why I love my mom.. *hugs her* *climbs on her* Carry me downstairs, I’m too lazy..

Michelle- What do you think this is? *drops you on the bed*

Y/N- Ow!

Michelle- Waffles and blueberry waffles are ready for you, your highness… *smirks and leaves*

*ten minutes later*

Y/N- *walks downstairs* Sup fam..

Aria- *supusds you*

Y/N- *walks to the fridge* *drinks OJ from the carton*

Dante- Ew, don’t do that..

Y/N- Hey, we’re all related here..

Michelle- Yeah but don’t do that Y/N.

Y/N- I sincerely apologise.. *sits next to Aria at the counter*

Aria- *whispers* Hey.. The devil is gonna get what’s coming to her.. you know I found all these papers in her study in the city.. she’s either flying to Italy or she has loads of money there.

Y/N- What?

Aria- *nods* Bank transfers of.. thousands of dollars from dad’s account to an account with an Italian name…

Y/N- The fuck? But why?

Aria- We have to find out..

*later that morning*


We got to the hotel the bridal party were staying in in the city. Dad was getting ready at the apartment so we were all forced here. Lauren wanted us to play no part in the wedding and left us out completely, me and Y/N were more than happy to. We hated that bitch.

Her family were here, people we’d never met or even seen before. Her two sisters Lisa and Louise were the bridesmaids and them and Lauren’s mom Lydia were all as bad as Lauren. Stuck up, bitchy and gave us rude looks… We’d only just got here.

Lauren- *walks over* If that’s the face you’ll be pulling at my wedding then you may as well not come.. 

Y/N- I don’t want to but my father wants me to attend so I have to. Besides, even if the devil wears white, she’s still tainted and disgusting

Lauren- *steps to Y/N* You better watch it.. 

Aria- Same with you! You came from nowhere as soon as my dad was divorced then all of a sudden you’re wearing Vera Wang and trying to act like a saint? Bitch I will show you for exactly who you are!

Lisa- *walks over* Who do you think you’re talking to?

Aria- Your gold digging sister, that’s who!

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