Chapter 37

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I held her close to me and observed her body. She was blooded, battered, beaten  and literally lifeless… I put her head on my legs as I was on the ground and I softly cried, praying that she was okay.. days of anguish and fear led to this..

*at the hospital*

Jordan- *walks out*

Kendall- *rushes to him* What did they say?

Jordan- She’s hooked onto a machine.. she’s unconscious

Diggy- *jaw drops*

Kendall- What?

Jordan- She’s unconscious. They said her injuries were so severe that they knocked her out.. she’s not waking up

Diggy- *looks down* *holds his face in his hands*

Kendall- This is crazy..

Jordan- That’s my daughter… *cries and hides his face*

Kendall- *hugs him comfortingly*

*later that week*

I insisted on staying at the hospital for some more days even though the doctors were advising me to go home, I didn’t unless it were to look after Harley. Jordan and Kendall stayed with us too. We told her mom Michelle and Dante that we found her. But we didn’t want anyone else to be here at the hospital. The smaller, the better and the more private too. 

I stayed by Y/N’s bed. She had so many bruises on her face. Cuts and injuries all over her body. We were told she’d been hit with something hard and possibly metal, cut with blades and there were deep rope burns on her wrists and ankles… she’d literally been tortured. Her heart rate was slow but she was unresponsive apart from that…

*that night*

Kendall- *walks in* Dig…

Diggy- *looks at her* What is it?

Kendall- You have to go home.. I’m on watch now. *hands him a coffee*

Diggy- *shakes his head a little* I’m not leaving..

Kendall- *sighs* You’re tired. You’ve been here everyday, Diggy you can’t beat yourself up about this.. she’s here now. She’s fine

Diggy- I know that. But I wanna be here when she wakes up.. whenever she does.

Kendall- The doctor said that it won’t been for a few days that she wakes up. Come on..

Diggy- I can’t go home without her Ken

Kendall- Aria and Jordan are at the house too.. they said they’d take care of you. 

Diggy- Kendall…

Kendall- You know I’m right. You’re exhausted and you need to rest. Don’t worry, I’m here. I’ll call you if anything happens, you know I will.

Diggy- *thinks and sighs* Okay, I’m going.. *gets up and leaves* 

*a few days later*


Me and Jordan were better knowing that Y/N was safe, recovering and in the hospital.. but it was clear that Diggy was still broken. I’d tried a lot to get him to be calm about it, but nothing really worked. He halfishly went back to his old self with the way he dressed, he was well-rested and eating a lot more lately.. but emotionally he was lost.

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