Chapter 2

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Reunions and Final Goodbye... 

Y/N's POV...

I cried as I ran, trying to get as far away from Seth as I possibly could right now. I wasn't paying any attention to my surroundings. I just couldn't stop thinking about how Seth betrayed me.

I let my feet take me wherever it was that they were running in the direction of, as long as it was nowhere near that backstabbing cheater. I was running in the rain, getting soaked, knowing that I probably was going to get sick later. I ran with my eyes closed until I had bumped into someone.

I fell down onto the wet sidewalk, soaked and cold, but I could care less. I sat there crying, feeling weak and heartbroken. I just couldn't understand or remember what I did that made Seth think that it was okay to cheat on me. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts as a hand appeared in front of me. I guessed that the person wanted to help me up, so I said a small thanks as I pulled myself up and off the wet sidewalk. 

"I-I'm so sorry ma'am. Are you hurt?" they asked worriedly. For some reason, I felt that their voice seemed familiar to me. I looked up to see my old high school classmate, Kai.

"Hey Kai. Long time no see eh?" I smirked. He seemed to have been taken aback as he stumbled a bit, and his face held the emotion of shock and surprise to my distaste. I thought he remembered me... 

"Wait, how do you know me?" Kai inquired quizzically. Did I really change that much? I mean, I don't think I changed much. It's only been a year. I guess he really doesn't recognize his old best friend...

"Heh..... I guess you don't recognize me, *sniff* you old beanstalk." I smiled slyly. I remember that I was the only one who used and created that nickname for him. He squinted his eyes at me, as if he was analyzing me. After studying my face when I looked up at him, finally realization hit him, my face finally becoming familiar to him. 

"Y-Y-Y/N!" he exclaimed in shock.

"Yep," I answered, popping the 'p'. When I stood up, my face was more visible to him, allowing him to see my facial features clearly. 

"W-Well, It's nice to see you again, but how about we go to your house? We should probably get out of this rain before we get sick. Plus, I want to catch up with you," Kai suggested.

"Sure, why not," I nodded. We then were about to run through the rain, but I halted for a split second... 

Memories began to flash in front of me, causing the pain I thought was numbed to come back to me, only this time it was in full force. I felt as my tears began to fall once again. Luckily, the rain covered it up; making it almost invisible for Kai to notice me crying. Only thing that was giving it away was my puffy red eyes.

He looked back at me with concern-filled eyes. I shoook the thoughts away and gave him a weak smile. I reassured him that I was fine and as if he understood he nodded. We then ran through the rain towards my house. By the time we got to the front door, we were drenched and luckily my tears had stopped by that time. 

I unlocked the door, letting Kai into the house. I told him to wait in the living room as I went to go grab a few clothes for him to change into. I went into the extra room where I had a few of Seth's clothes from when he used to stay over at my house for sleepovers or if he hung out at my house for a longer time than expeted. I grabbed a few of the clothes from the drawers and gave them to Kai, directing him to the 2nd bathroom as I went to my own room to take a shower. I showered and changed into a maroon hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans. (Ignore the boots in the photo)

I went down to see Kai sitting on the couch, watching whatever was playing on the TV

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I went down to see Kai sitting on the couch, watching whatever was playing on the TV. I coughed to get his attention, plopping down next to him. After settling down on the couch, I decided to start a conversation, not that he seemed to mind of course. 

"Sorry about getting you drenched in the rain earlier, but you said that you wanted to talk with me earlier?" I recalled, turning to look at him.

Kai turned his attention to me and nodded saying, "So, um this may be stupid of me to ask, but why were you crying?" 

Shit! He noticed? Ugh, well might as well tell him right? He won't go yelling this out to the world later. I mean he never did that in high school, so he won't do it now right? Well, I hope so anyways...

 "Nosy as ever eh?" I sighed before explaining the whole ordeal, "Well, I had caught someone who was dear to me cheating on me. I confronted him about it, and we got into an argument. That led to our breakup and you know the rest... I guess he wasn't the one for me."

"Oh. W-well, I'm sorry for asking," He apologised, bowing his head.  

"No need to apologise. Now that I think about it, he really was a jerk to me. I'll move on from him hopefully. There'se other people who I could date," I reassured. We sat there in silence for a bit, until Kai changed the subject. 

"Um what's your new phone number? You forgot to tell me before changing it..." He chuckled nervously. Wait I had his phone number before? I want to check, but then it might make me seem like a bad friend... 

"Did I?" I asked. He just nodded in reply. 

"Huh... Well, it's xxx xxxx," I recited as he typed it into his phone. I asked him to send a message tomake sure that it's the right number, and soon enough my phone went off, signalling a notification/ message was sent to me. Afteer checking, he said that's his number. 

"Cool, um can we hang out sometime this week?" Kai asked. I don't want to make him feel bad, but I can't lie to him. 

I shook my head as I said, "No. I"ve made my decision... I've decided that I'm going to move to the states. Tomorrow..."

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