Chapter 20

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Joshua's Ex Girlfriend and Rain... 

Y/N's POV... 

I was leaving with Joshua when a girl who looked like an over-rated barbie doll came up to us. I put on a fake smile, hoping that this conversation would be quick... 

"Joshy~ Who is this girl?" she asked. This girl got uncomfortably close to Joshua and it was hard but I had to keep my composure. I felt a little twinge of jealousy hit me, but I tried to ignore it. 

'Why was this barbie doll calling him Joshy? Are they friends?' I thought to myself. 

"I'm Y/N, Joshua's girlfriend who are you," I greeted, holding out my hand for her to shake. 

"oh~ I'm sorry but I'm his girlfriend. My name's Tiana," She replied fakely with a plastic smile. My hand dropped down back to my side, and my smile faded away... I felt a bit of Deja Vu as it reminded me of when I broke up with Seth. I tried to ignore it, but I began to question our relationship... 

He's dating this girl? Why did he agree to by my boyfriend then? Why did he enjoy the kisses we shared before? 

I looked up at Joshua for clarification and I think he got the hint because he then spoke out to her, trying to clean up the situation at hand... 

"Tiana your aren't my girlfriend anymore. You cheated on me 4 times and I said it was over and I will never date a plastic slut like you ever again." Joshua said, and I could hear anger in his voice. So they did date, but they broke up? Serves her right! 

"Well isn't she a slut too then because I've heard that she has slept with over 20 guys and fucked them," Tiana lied. 

I felt the urge to punch her in the face grow, but I kept my cool, hoping that Joshua doesn't believe her lies. I haven't even lost my verginity anyways! Who does this bitch think she is? 

"I'm sorry did the slut say something or was that just trash trying to make themself feel special? I'm pretty sure you don't know who the fuck you are talking to." I spat back. 

I felt that I had to at least defend myself. I mean, I couldn't hold my tongue for much longer, and that is as best as I can do if you don't want me punchig her lights out... 

"Tiana Aquero, let me make 3 things clear to you; one, I am NOT and will NEVER be your boyfriend ever again. Two, Y/N is MY GIRLFRIEND and she isn't a slut like you. Third, I will never believe ANY OF YOUR LIES anymore and hurt innocent people for your entertainment and I am not your doll," Joshua growled. 

The air grew thick, and I could feel the tension and anger flowing from Joshua. He may be calm and gentelmen-like, but boy does he go off when he's angry. I squeezed his hand, trying to calm him down a little. I know we both were angry, but I don't want him to hit her, it would ruin his reputation if anyone saw... 

"UGH I HATE YOU Y/N YOU STOLE MY MAN AND MY MONEY," Tiana screamed out. Realising what she said, she then covered her mouth. 

"Tiana are you fucking kidding me right now? You used me for my money as well as my fame," Joshua seethed, he was gripping onto my hand, trying to control his temper, but it looked extremely difficult for him. 

"UGH BLAME IT ON THIS WHORE NEXT TO YOU. I HATE YOU Y/N FOR STEALING MY MAN," Tiana yelled. She then... slapped me... 

Author's POV... 

"D-did you just slap me?" Y/N blinked. Due to the harsh imact of Tiana's hand hitting Y/N's cheek, Y/N had fallen down onto her butt. Y/N felt something ooze, and she moved her hand up to her mouth, realizing that her lip was bleading... 

"Hell yeah I did you bitch," Tiana teased, looking like she was proud about it. 

"You will so regret that," Y/N remarked. She stood up up and grabbed Tiana's left arm and twisted it. Thinking that it wasn't enough, she then threw her over, back-first onto the concrete. 

"Owwwwww Joshua babe she hurt me! Hit her," Tiana whined out, crying on the floor. 

"Never.. I'm happy that Y/N did that to you. You spoiled slut," Joshua snarled. He then grabbed Y/N's hand, not even caring to look at Tiana's tantrum. 

"Let's go Joshua," Y/N grumbled, pulling him along with her. 

"I never want to see you again bitch," Joshua scoffed before walking away with Y/N. 

At Y/N's Apartment... 

"I'm sorry that you had to see her Y/N." Joshua sighed. 

"It'scompletely fine. As long as you don't believe her lies I'm okay." Y/N comforted. She then heard the sound of thunder, and then rain drops as they continuously pelted against her windows. She looked out the window to see that it was raining hard... 

Thinking that Joshua didn't want to run through the rain and get completely drenched, she offered for him to stay over. 

"It's raining really hard, and I don't think you want to get caught in that so if you want you can stay here with me for the time being," Y/N offered, changing the subject. 

"Sure! I would like that," Joshua agreed, "let me just inform the boys." 

"Sure," Y/N chirped. She then walked away, leaving Joshua to text the boys as she went up to her room, looking for any clothes that might work as pajamas for Joshua. 


The8:  Where are you Joshua 

Woozi: Yeah! 

 I'm at Y/N's: Joshua 

Hoshi: Really! Did she do something to you! 

DK: Is Y/N okay? 

S.coups: Do we need to put security up for Y/N 

 Everything is fine over here. We just had run into someone dumb: Joshua

Dino: um who was it hyung? 

 Do you remember Tiana? :Joshua

Wonwoo: Wait... your ex right? 

Yeah. Also, I'm staying over at Y/N's tonight :Joshua

Woozi: Ok. Just don't do something stupid... 

 End of Chat.... 

Y/N then came back to the living room, holding a hoodie and a pair of basketball shorts. She passed it to Joshua, instructing him of where the bathroom was located. Joshua thanked her and went to change, finding the bathroom with ease. 

When he came back to the living room, he saw Y/N on her phone, scrolling through her social media accounts. Noticing Joshua standing there, she sat up, patting the seat net to her. They watched movies and ate dinner, but still weren't tired enough to go to bed... 

I'm bored..." Y/N complained. 

"I think I have an idea," Joshua says with a smirk. 


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