Chapter 3

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A Change of Scenery...

"Are you serious," Kai screamed, jumping off the couch. 

"Ow my ears! I think you made them bleed," I joked, covering my ears. Damn! I didn't think he would be so loud, not to mention this surprised. 

"But why? Please tell me you're joking," Kai pleaded. He seemed to be on the verge of tears and that made me have a second thought about moving, but I stood with my decision, shaking the thoughts of staying here any longer out of my mind. 

I shook my head saying, "I'm not. I don't want to stay around the places that remind me of that bastard of a cheater. So, I think that moving to the states is the best option." 

"Fine, but we have to keep in touch..." Kai pouted. He's so cute... His pout made me laughed out and crack a smile. 

"Sure," I agreed, "but could you help me pack..."

"Huh? Why?" he asked. This kid is oblivious I swear!

"My flight is tomorrow. You don't pay attention very well do you?" I reminded him. 

"Nope!" Kai stated proudly. I just rolled my eyes at his childish antics.  

"Well, are you going to help me pack or not?" I repeated. 

"S-Sure. Only things like clothing and makeup though! Undergarments are your thing!" Kai warned me. I laughed at his silliness, but nodded as I knew that he probably wouldn't want to touch my undergarments.

Hours Later...

After packing, I put my luggage next to the door and hung out with Kai for the rest of the day. We talked about the different things that happened, and I found out that he had a girlfriend. He aparently had been dating her after high school graduation. He worked with her and eventually got the courage to ask her our on a date. 

Spoiler alert, the date went well and they eventually went on many more! I was so happy for him, but it also reminded me of Seth. I tried to shake the thought of hi in my life off as I continued to chat with Kai. We got to catch up over the time span of maybe 5 hours. We then played video games. I was winning obviously... 

Hours later, we said goodbye at the door as the rain had subsided. I then went to sleep, making sure to set an alarm for my flight tomorrow. I also made sure to tell my parents and Sasha the news about me moving to the states. They had disagreed about it for a bit, but they agreed after I said my reasons. 

The next day at the airport, I had already said goodbye to my parents and Sasha, saying that I would try to visit them sometime during the holidays or when I could. I also talked it out with my boss and he was okay with me leaving, but he was sad to see me go, and he even came to say bye to me at the airport.

Soon enough, my flight was called and I went on to get on the plane. I then went to my assigned seat, finding that it was a window seat. I had placed my luggage into the cargo space above, seeing as no one was going to be sitting next to me. I then waited a bit for the plane to take off. 

As it started to take off, I looked out the window seeing my small island as I left to the states. I let sleep overtake my body as I fell into a peaceful slumber on my way to what soon would be my new home... 

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