Chapter 8

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Meeting Kpop Idols: Seventeen

"Huh?" Y/N yelped in surprise.

"Hey! you guys made it," Joshua smiled, hugging some of the guys. 

"Um isn't that the girl you bumped into earlier Joshua," One of the boys asked.

"Yeah!" another agreed.

"What was your name again?" Seungkwan asked.

"It's Y/N," She replied, confused as to how he forgot her name. It wasn't too long ago that she had met him and told him her name the first time. 

"Well, we are... Say the name! Seventeen...," one of them introduced, all 13 boys doing a unique motion before bowing. 

"Wait! Are you all idols?" Y/N gasped.

"Yes," one of them nodded.

"Let's introduce ourselves from the youngest to oldest," Another suggested.

"Hello I'm Lee Chan, but you can call me Dino," A guy introduced, who looked to be around 18 or 19 years old.

"My name is hansol but you can call me Vernon." Another one introduced. He looked like Leonardo Dicaprio.

"You know who I am! Seungkwan, Boo Seungkwan." Seungkwan greeted. 

"Hello I'm Minghao but you can call me The8" a tall chinese looking guy stated.

"A side note is that a few of us are foreign members," someone implied.

"Continuing on," Seungkwan sang turning to look at the next member. 

"Mingyu," a tall guy bluntly stated.

"Imma call you beanpole" Y/N giggled, her hand covering her mouth

"I'm Seokmin or you can call me DK or Dokyeom." a eye-smiler greeted before bowing.

"Im Jihoon or Woozi the music producer, composer, songwriter, as well as the vocal unit leader." a small guy said before shaking his hair out of his eye. 

"Damn it! You're taller than me by a few inches," Y/N pointed out, clearly annoyed.

"Im wonwoo" a guy with glasses stated. 

"I'm Soonyoung or Hoshi. The performance unit leader." a clock looking guy stated before putting his hands up as if they were tiger paws. 

"Junhui or Jun. A child actor from China." another introduced before smiling. 

"You know me, I'm Joshua," he said.

"'I'm Jeonghan or mother of all these kids," a boy who looked 2 wings short of an angelic appearance stated. 

"I'm the leader of the hip hop unit as well as the leader for the whole group and the oldest. I'm Seungcheol or S.Coups." the last one says. 

'He looks like a camel...' Y/N thought to herself.

"Well for those who might not know me; I'm Y/N and I'm 24 years old." She smiled.

"Well why did you call us here Seungkwan?" S.Coups asked.

"Well mainly for 2 reasons. One, being that Y/N has a crazy ex who is out to get her. The 2nd just to ask if you wanted to hangout with Y/N and I. Oh and Joshua too," Seungkwan explained.

"Um sure," S.coups replied, a bit concerned.

"But why is it that you described Y/N's ex as 'crazy'," Jihoon questioned.

"Well, I was doing my morning jog and a little while after the incident with Joshua, I had seen my ex running towards me. I was scared of him and ran into a crowd to try and divert his attention and to blend in. Eventually I had tripped and hit Seungkwan." Y/N explained. She turned to Seungkwan for him to explain the rest. 

He understood what she wanted and continued the story, "She quickly hid behind mer to protect herself. We got into a fight with him, and he tried to grab her. With my speed, I was able to stop him, and I glared him down. Next thing I knew he ran off, and Y/N was hugging me with gratitude and was crying. Joshua came after and I had explained the situation to him. Thing is... I may had said that she was dating someone I knew, but the only other person here that Y/N knows well enough to be comfortable with 'dating' him would be Joshua. So now we're stuck with this situation and we need your help with keeping Y/N safe." 

After the boys listened to the explanation, they understood what they needed to do to help, and after a bit of discussion, they agreed. 

"Okay we agree to protect her, but after we hangout we need to go to the MV shooting," The8 reminded.

"Sure but I'm bringing Y/N along," Joshua agreed.

"Fine," Y/N sighed loudly. 

"I-Is that you Y/N!!!"

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