First Day

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Raquel POV

Raquel: Dad do we really have to move Virginia.

Troy: Yes you know I can get more artist down there.

Raquel: Ok but why do I have to and leave all my friends and mom in New York by herself.

Troy: Cause she want to spend some time by herself since Ryan died.

Raquel: Well I could of stay with grandma or something.

Troy: Raquel stop asking question and go unpack.

Raquel: Ugggg you irk.

I walk up the steps in our house. I start unpacking my boxes. My bed was a queen size and it was blue. I had silk sheets and a lot of pillows. I put my teddy bear in the middle of the bed. I put the picture of my brother on my nightstand. I miss him a lot. He is my hero. I laid on my bed and look up at the small chandelier on the ceiling. My phone start ringing and it was my mom.

Raquel: Hi mommy.

Vanessa: Hi baby how the house.

Raquel: It's alright. Can I live with you pleaseee.

Vanessa: I told you no already. Your gonna have a great time in Virginia.

Raquel: How do you know. When I was little I hated it here. It's so country.

Vanessa: So at least you Blue Jeans.

Raquel: Ok so my only friend here is my horse Blue Jeans.

Vanessa: Go make some friends. Go outside. Your school should be starting tryouts soon. Try out for the dance squad or cheerleading.

Raquel: Fine. The doorbell rang and I look out my window and there was this lady here and she had cookies.

Raquel: Ma I gotta go there's a lady at the door with cookies. Love ya. Bye.

I hung up on my mom and rush down stairs. My dad was talking to the lady and I just stood their listening.

Raquel: Dad who's this.

Troy: You would know if you cause you was ease dropping.

Raquel: Me Noooo.

Troy: Excuse my daughter.

Raquel: Hi I'm Raquel.

Rose: Hi I'm Rose. Your a very pretty girl.

Raquel: Thank you. Those cookies look very delicious. Let me take them off your hands.

I took the cookies and went to kitchen. My dad gave me glare and I glare him back. He let Rose come in.

Rose: Raquel sweetie you look about the same age as my grandson.

Raquel: I'm 15.

Rose: Are you going to Petersburg High School.

Raquel: Yes I am.

Rose: Well my grandson Tremaine goes there. I'll tell him to so you around.

Raquel: No it's ok. I'll find my way.

Rose: You sure it's no probably.

Raquel: Yea I'm sure. I just want to say these cookies are the boom.

Rose: Well thank you. I have to go now. I'll see y'all around.

We said bye and I took my cookies upstairs. I sat on my bed and watch powerpuff girls. Yes I still watch powerpuff girls deal with it. There was a knock on the door. I turn my head and saw my dad.

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