My hommie

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Rocky Pov

It's been two days since the thing with Chris. I haven't told Trey yet. I just don't no how to tell him. In scared he won't believe me and think I kiss Chris and we break up. Him and Chris get in a fight and then their not friends anymore I can't do that. I was walking to my locker getting my books when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and it was Chris. I tried to move away but he hit in my way.

Rocky: Chris move.

Chris: I just want to say sorry.

Rocky: Ok I forgive you now move.

Chris: Can I get a hug first.

I really don't want to hug him but whatever gets him away from me I'll do it. I hug him and then I pull away. Chris look at me and he squeezed my butt. I kick him in his balls then walk away. I didn't realize where I was going till I bump into someone. I fell down on my butt.

Trey: I just keep finding you on the floor.

Rocky: Hey baby umm yea you do.

Trey: You ok.

Rocky: Ummm yea.

Chris: Rocky I'm so sorry.

Rocky: Stay away from me.

I said getting up and standing next to Trey.

Trey pov

I have no idea what's going on with Rocky and Chris. Chris better have not did anything to her. I pull Rocky closer to me and I look at Chris.

Trey: What's going on.

Chris: Nothing just having problems with our assignment.

Trey: Rocky what happen. I said looking at her. She look like she was battling with telling me. I peck her lips and she soften up a little.

Rocky: Chris kiss me.

Trey: HE WHAT.

Chris: Man she's lying. Why would I kiss her. I know she's yours.

I punch him in his face and we was fighting on the floor. I kept hearing Rocky telling me to get off. Chris punch me in my face and I fell back. I felt someone lift me off him.

Principal- What is going on here Mr. Neverson and Mr. Brown.

Tremaine- Nothing happen.

Principal- Well I guess the two of you can come to my office and tell your parents what happen.

Chris: Cool with me. At least I know I got Rocky.

Tremaine: You don't have nothing. I said going toward him but being pull back by the principle.

Principle- Office the two of you.

We walk to the office and Rocky pull me back and look at me again.

Rocky: Baby I just want to say I'm sorry I didn't tell you this before.

Trey: What happen.

Rocky: Chris kiss me when before when I went to his house to practice our act. Baby I'm sorry. I know I should of told you but I was scared that this would happen.

Trey: Baby it's ok. I have to go we'll talk about this later. I said kissing her forehead. I was furious that Chris did this. He suppose to be my homeboy and he does this. I walk into the principles offices and sat down next to a Chris.

Principal: The Two of you are good students and yall are fighting over some girl. The two of you are suspended for the rest of the week. Now get to class.

I got up and walk out. Rocky was sitting in a chair next to the door. Chris look at her and she look at me. I look at Chris then he walk away. Rocky got up and hug and I hug her back. I glad Rocky would of told me this sooner cause now I have to tell my mom about this and she ain't gonna be to happy about that.

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