Feels Right

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Rocky pov

It's been two months and Trey and I are not together. He's been working on my trust. He does the cutest things. Like puts a rose on my locker. Sends me little notes during class. We talk everyday like usual. I want to be his girlfriend so bad cause I wanna kiss and I want to be in his arms. I think I'm gonna wait till he asks me again. I wish my teacher would just stop talking.

Teacher: So class today you will have the choice to pick out of this hat. A type of scene to act out. It is your choice to pick what movie from. This will be 50% of your grade. I will pick your partner. So Rocky you first.

I got up nervous but hoping she pair me with Trey cause if we get a kissing. I'm gonna have a lot of fun. I stood next to my teacher and close my eyes and reach my hand in the basket. I rummaged through and pick one up.

Rocky: Kissing scene.

All: Ooooooooo

Teacher: Settle down class. Your partner will be with Chris.

Chris: Yes.

I was upset cause that's Trey homie and I don't want to make Trey upset. This is gonna be interesting.

Teacher: Trey your up.

Trey pov

I was piss as hell that Chris got Rocky. I've been working real hard to get her back. I guess this karma. I pick a paper out of the hat and it said.

Trey: Drama scene.

Teacher: Gia you Trey's partner.

I was shock. I never thought I would be partnering with Gia. I saw Rocky's face and she look mad but calm and that scares me. I sat back in my seat. Gia sat next to me so we could figure out what we gonna do.

Gia: Look Rocky's my girl and what you did to her was disrespectful. This is strictly school work got it.

Trey: Yea sure.

The bell rang and I got up and left. I saw Rocky go to her locker. She look at me then look away. She walk out the building and in followed. I saw her walk to her car and I started running.

Rocky pov

I got in my car and started it. My head hurts so much right now. I just want to go home and take a nap. There was a knock on my window and I look out and saw Trey. I roll down my window.

Rocky: Trey I don't want to talk right now. I just want to go home.

Trey: Rocky please. I've been trying everything to get back. I did everything you ask me too. It's been two months I had to go without kissing you or touching you. I miss you. I haven't been with any other girl then you. Please give me (gco)

Rocky: OK I GET IT. You miss me. I'll be your girlfriend.

He poke his head in the window and kiss me. I felt sparks between our lips. I miss his lips so much. He peck my lips a few times before pulling away. I smile and he smile back.

Trey: You wanna go somewhere.

Rocky: Not really I don't feel to good. I just wanna go home.

Trey: Your dad home.

Rocky: No why.

Trey: I can come over and make you feel better.

Rocky: I don't think that's a good idea I mean we're only (gco)

Trey: Not like that. I mean take care of you. Give you some tea or make some soup.

Rocky: O I said feeling stupid.

Rocky: Yea sure. Just follow me.

I pull out my parking spot and waited till Trey got behind me. I saw him and drove to my house. We finally made it and I got out my car. Trey walk behind me and we went inside.

Trey pov

Rocky's house was huge. Is she rich did her parents rob a bank or something. It was really nice. Rocky went to the kitchen and I look around at the pictures. I saw this guy he look real familiar. He's a singer. Tyrese that must be her dad. Explains the house.

Rocky: You thirsty.

Trey: Yea you have some water.

She walk toward me and gave me the bottle of water. I sat on the couch and Rocky laid her head on my lap. I rub her side. I saw a card on the table. It said Rocky on it.

Trey: Babe what's that.

Rocky: What.

I grab the card and gave it to her. She flip on her back while her head was still on my lap. She open the card and something drop from it.

Rocky: Sorry baby girl I have to go on a promo tour. He's my card. Don't be having no boys at the house either and Aunt Taraji will be checking up on you. Love you.

Rocky got up and went upstairs.

Rocky pov

I should just go back to New York. My dad is never home so what's the point of staying. I went upstairs and laid on my bed. I ball up my body and pull the covers over me. I felt a pair of arms around me and Trey kissed my head. I feel deep into sleep. I was happy Trey was with being in his arms felt right.

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