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"Well, I sense that it is my time to leave you two... alone," trails Corsich. 

"Nice having you... drop by...Major," Richard seethes through clenched teeth. 

As soon as Richard feels comfortable that Corsich is safely out of hearing range, he begins to rant, "SEE! I told you!  This is a government cover-up at the highest levels!" 

Daniel startled, manages to question after choking on his wine, "What are you talking about Richard?  Cover-up of whawt? He's not at the highest level. He's a peon."  

"The cover-up of our human origins! You heard what he said!" Richard bellows. 

Daniel asserts, "I heard him attempt to broach the topic of cultural evolution and perhaps taunting you. But to say he's PART of a cover-up, I'm not sure about that," Daniel plays devil's advocate. 

"He wasn't taunting! Well, at least not totally.  But he WAS attempting to discredit me in your eyes, so you would not believe me. By the way, you played the oblivious part very well," Richard interjects. 

"Richard, he wanted my ASS!... or wanted BOTH our asses. From what he indicated earlier, he's already HAD yourn ass!" sardonically alleges Daniel. 

Richard queries emotionally, "He told you that!!??" 

"Not in so many words, but he hinted at it heavily. And considering your body language, my interpretation must be correct," Daniel analyzes. 

"Listen, Daniel and think! Why are they here?" Richard returns to the topic

"Who, here, where?" Daniel quizzes. 

Richard continues prickling Daniel's neurosynapses, "Why was this place of all places chosen for the launching of our epic space exploration? Why did they pour concrete several feet thick all over the area now known as Cape Canaveral?"

"So, that the temperatures of the rocket boosters would not permeate to the soil and withstand the weight of the equipment," conjectures Daniel.

"NO, NO, NO! Not just for that practical reason. WHY HERE? On a sliver of land that can be inundated by tidal surges from hurricanes? Why here and not the Keys?  Or many military bases dotting the eastern, southern or western coastlines?" Richard spits while pulling on his goatee. 

"I dunno?... maybe the land was cheap?" Daniel playfully suggests. 

"NO! Because there is something underneath they don't want to have to explain.  An ancient structure, a launching board to prove culture existed here predating geological and anthropological timelines. An ancient space pad, a cosmic gateway that aligns with the rest of ancient monolithic structures, throughout the world! THEY KNOW THEY'RE COMING! The Annunaki will land again at all these ancient points. The ones that exist right now in modern history!" Richard madly howls.  

"Uh huh," Daniel answers mockingly above his glass of Pinot Grigio.  

"I know you're Christian, but think about it. All ancient sources point to all religions based in Ancient Sumer. Take the world flood stories. How do you think that became wide-spread in all religions? It came from the Sumerians. The Christian religion supposedly rose forth from the ancient Hebrews right? They had no language until past the Sumerians. How did these previously hunter-gatherers begin to form a vast advanced civilization with knowledge of astronomy and planets they could not have seen at that time without telescopes? How could they have known medicine and surgical procedures without having knowledge of functions? How could they construct a written language out of nothingness that resembled no language after that time?" Richard postulates. 

"The Nephilim.. as spoken of in the bible.. The original Watchers who were to not give knowledge of various arts to mankind," dryly suggests Daniel.

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