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The deep yellow-orange sunrise, stealthily stalking the horizon like a mountain lion shadows its prey, unfettered by smog or pollution warms Daniel dew washed face. His ears conspicuously awaken to the sounds of diverse fowl of the air, their morning greetings reverberating throughout the fjords and valleys. Huddling over the campfire, awaiting the brewing of his enchanted brown liquid, the rising steam fans his eyelids, ridding them of sleepy debris. 

"How nice it would be to stay here. I wouldn't have to worry with breathing problems. A land untainted by over-population, deforestation, and social ills. Living simplified.. A chance to redo life," murmurs Daniel thinking he is basking in this moment alone. 

"You know you could stay here," Jaakko whispers into his ear.

"Yeah, but I would be like a fish out of water. A man out of his time and element. I don't belong here long term. Every day that passes with my presence here could endanger future events that are supposed to happen, and endanger my existence in the future," laments Daniel. 

The formerly cloaked figure observing from the edge of the forest approaches, "Yes, indeed. He is correct in his assessment." 

Jaakko jerks suddenly into a proactive stance. Daniel puts out his arm in front of Jaakko's legs to prevent him from assailing the figure, "Glad you finally surfaced. I thought for awhile we would need to drag you out, kicking and screaming." Daniel calmly speaks, pouring coffee with the other hand. 

"You knew I have been watching from afar?" speaks the figure. 

"Yep... Ever since being entertained at Gudrod's longhouse. It was your scent to which I am very sensitive," Daniel taps his nose with index finger in smug acknowledgement. 

"I shall inform base so that this mistake is not repeated," the unnamed figure affirms. 

"Base? Interesting term. So, who are you, where do you call home, and why are you here?" Daniel inquires matter of factly. 

"I could ask the same of you since yarns of your personage are being spun for future generations, even as we speak" quips the figure.

"Coffee?" offers Daniel.

"How do you know I would like it? the figure postures disinterest. 

Daniel ignoring the figure's question, "You might also inform your wardrobe department not to be so exact in manufacturing the buttons on your tunic. They're a bit too perfect in replicating... imperfections. Here, coffee." Daniel hands cup to the stranger. 

"I will certainly forward your gracious advice. Thanks for your hospitality. My name is Rikkar. I would guess you come from the 20th century?" Rikkar postulates. 

"Interesting name choice. Close. Top of the 21st century actually, and you?" Daniel exchanges. 

"Bottom half of the twenty-third," responds Rikkar. 

"Hallelujah! We made it...," Daniel sighs sardonically before blowing and sipping the rich breakfast blend java. 

"So to speak," Rikkar supposes. 

"Well.. No Apocalypse, World War III nuclear mutual annihilation, Radnarak, life extinguishing Planet X, pandemic, zombie outbreak, ice-age or water planet scenario from global warming, I take it? Because you're here and in order to be here, society must not have had a major catastrophe to return to the Dark Ages," Daniel tests. 

"We have experienced a little of all of those things.. except perhaps the Zombie outbreak? I'm not familiar with that. You must illuminate for me," Rikkar admits. 

"It wasn't important. At least now, I know I can ignore that one," Daniel lightly chuckles. 

"That is good. So, how did you arrive here? What is your objective? We were not cognizant of that period's ability to time travel," requests Rikkar.

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