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As Daniel reclines with his back to the headboard of Richard's bed, Richard preens himself in the bathroom. Daniel's thoughts of his physical form took forefront in his carnal imagination. Richard even though a resident of sunny Florida, had nearly the whitest skin of most any man on Earth, except perhaps that of Daniel's. Richard's billowy coal black hair in a stark contrast to his skin, cascades over most of his upper torso emptying into wide swath of tufts navigating his belly button and dumping into a large pool nestling his groin.

His height is comparable to Daniel's, except Richard's legs and hamstrings were thick, compact and muscular from the constant stooping he performs. As Richard's semi-damp form emerges to face the dresser mirror, Daniel's eyes travel from the top of Richard's shaven head to the dark lanugo hair covering his backside. Bending over to put one leg at a time into a pair of grey tidy whities, Daniel admires the rivlets of hair along Richard's ass crack. Although, Daniel usually prefers his bed partners to be smooth or manscaped, the thoughts of enveloping himself into Richard's furriness made his shlong twitch. 

"Why you putting those on when they'll be coming off very soon?" Daniel sensually inquires. 

"Oh, umm, habit I suppose," demurely replies Richard. 

"And you don't really need that vial of poppers in your hand do ya?" Daniel softly chastises. 

"Well, I haven't been screwed in a fairly long time," Richard sheepishly admits. 

"Let me do what I do best.  I'll prepare your tight hole. That's half the fun of it. So, let me take care of you," Daniel seductively invites, while reaching out for Richard's hand to encourage him recline on the bed.

"Before we go any further, I need to tell you something," Richard solemnly informs.

"Mmm, let me guess, you're poz or have another STD?" Daniel nonchalantly poses.

"No! Thank god, I don't. But I have this little ridge that may bother you, I'm not sure. A guy I was with awhile back got a little too rough with me, and I had to have some stitches back there,"  Richard awkwardly admits.

"I can empathize, really I can," Daniel painfully concedes while casting his eyes downward. 

"Really? Howso?" Richard gently prods.

"If you recall me telling you of a similar incident? We'll leave it at that. Let's take it slow and easy and see how it goes, okay baby?" Daniel gently reaffirms. 

While Daniel's fingertips idly make circular motions in Richard's warm chest nap, he confides, "I want us both to enjoy this. You can't imagine how often I've dreamt of you and me together. I'm not trying to get all mushy or romantic on you, but I have wanted to be near you, to cuddle with one another. I felt like I needed to, if that makes sense?"

"Absolutely, I do," Richard mutters shortly before leaning forward to firmly kiss Daniel's lips. 

Time passed as the two firmly locked lips, explored one another's mouths agape with moistened tongues, nibbled and licked each other's neckline.  Richard's skin felt differently than that of Kevin's. Tighter and fuller under the pressure of Daniel's nipping teeth and gripping digits.   Laying side by side, Daniel's fingertips traverse through the circular nap of hair outlining Richard's nipples, hardening under his touch. Rolling over on top of Richard, Daniel slides his torso astride Richard's downy frame so that he may further inspect Richard's broad chest with his tongue, alternately flickering, lapping and sucking in a circular motion.   

As murmurs of pleasure escape Richard's throat, he waves his hands into Daniel's silky thin blond mass of collar length locks. Daniel allows Richard to guide his oral craving from his chest down his hardened stomach and mid-section. All the while, Daniel's skin excites in the sensation of Richard's fleecy frame rubbing against his own nearly hairless physique.  

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