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After acquiring the coffee liqueurs and lemon pie, Daniel follows Kevin's champagne coloured Audi on the long winding drive up Missionary Ridge, as thoughts of him filled his mind.

Away from the office, he is so fuckin' handsome. He doesn't appear to be older by twelve years. Not often that I feel intellectually stimulated by someone, much less sexually. I hadn't considered being with someone older for awhile, for past reasons. If he only knew how close his suppositions were. Maybe he did. All I know is I aspire to slip his clothes off, curl his legs around my waist, and listen to his guttural sighs. Then crawl up beside him, lay my weary soul upon his chest and entertain angels in my sleep. Yah right. I want to return to work, but not under those auspicious circumstances. I really oughtta have my head examined for accepting MY counselor's invitation for crashing at his place.  But... We're both professionals, and this renders an opportunity to know me better than those tests. It also grants some measure of control to me. Who am I trying to convince? Him or me? Crazy the things I desire most are the very things I run from the fastest. 

Kevin wonders: "What possessed me to offer Daniel an after dinner drink?  Wonder if this is like a date or just hanging out in modern lingo? You only shared dinner company, having dessert and drink, sharing some music and offering lodging for the night.. That is all, you old fool! I'm a professional that should not be entertaining any idea whatsoever of relations with a prospective client.  I must tread lightly. Yet he is a fellow counselor. So, that makes this encounter permissible. If he only knew how enraptured I am with his deep blue eyes, his soft southern voice, and the warmth of his mischievious smile. He's probably more inclined towards the younger sect. I hope he didn't think I was wishing to analyze him more.  He's far too intelligent and wary to dispel those notions. But why IS he so wary? I find myself challenged to foster his continued growth. But he is not to be pushed.  I must allow him to take the lead or believe he is in control.

After Kevin pulls into the semi-circle drive in front of his mid-century bungalow home, he pads over to Daniels' Jeep to offer physical assistance and retrieve a couple of Daniel's overnight bags. "Daniel are you okay? Let me help you out of your vehicle," worriedly inquires Kevin. 

My lord, he's quite handsome in those low rise pleated army green cargo pants disguising his package, body hugging short sleeved pullover, clip-on shades, masculine 5 o'clock shadow and boonie. He shouldn't hide such beautiful locks, Kevin thinks to himself. 

"Well, that was a drive. I don't think I'm going anywhere tonight," Daniel sighs audibly, 

With pleading eyes and outreached arm for assistance, Kevin helps Daniel to an upright position. Daniel welcomed another's strong arm wrapped behind his back and anchored securely around his waist. Kevin gently steadies Daniel's gait along the cobblestone laden path to the steps.  Daniel winces in noticeable discomfort when he shifts weight onto his bad leg. He raises an arm to place around Kevin's opposite shoulder to steady his hops upward onto each step.

Kevin begins apologizing profusely, "I should not have kept you out this long, Daniel.  I was not thinking of your physical problems in addition to the injuries you sustained in the attack. This long winding drive certainly did not help matters. "  

"It's okay!  Believe me, I'm used to operating within a certain level of discomfort.  This extra pain will cease in a day or so with rest," Daniel weakly guarantees. 

Before opening the door, Kevin acknowledges, "I just wanted to get to know you better on a personal level. I feel we left things untidy at the office and also at dinner.  I wanted you to know that I'm not always attempting to turn another person inside out." 

"You're fine Kev.  I believe you.  Really I do. I'm sure your intentions are as well-placed as mine when we both try to reach out to others, to understand them, to bring some measure of comfort to their lives," Daniel soothes.   

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