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An urge he hadn't entertained for quite some time, apprised him of the deprivation through increasing the blood flow to his groin. Rikkar attempted to ignore his urgency, but rationalized the purely primal venture was a permissible dispensation. If Daniel became emotionally attached, it would be Daniel's problem. Wait... Daniel was already attached.. Or was he? Or was he whom Daniel perceived as a man he merely pitied and desired to better his past and future self. Soon, conjecture didn't matter. Remembrances of Daniel being penetrated upon the rudimentary altar with his back arching and his long shlong standing in rigid form figured prominently in Rikkar's focus. 

Comparable to Pavlov's dog, Rikkar commences to surrender his clothing to the floor. To the side, he neatly folds his period garb of britches, shirt, and hooded cloak atop his pointed leather shoes. 

"Buzzzz," sounds the hidden communication device. 

"Shut up, HQ. I deserve some R&R," Rikkar announces before yanking the device hidden within his ear.

"That is not advised," BIC operations voice trails before becoming silent. 

"It's yet efficient for two to cleanse at the same time?" Rikkar suggests while opening the shower to a startled naked and very wet Daniel. 

Before giving Daniel time to object, Rikkar slides in front of the shower head, dispensing extremely hot water. "Dammm! How can you handle the scalding temperatures?" Rikkar winces.

"When your body aches like mine does most of the time, it's therapeutic," Daniel responds.

A pause in Rikkar's yelps belied Rikkar's focus upon Daniel's back to which Daniel warns, "Don't ask, because I don't feel like explaining."

"I'm only contemplating washing your backside," Rikkar evades while applying the black orchid and velvet hibiscus body wash. 

Daniel's torso relaxes to Rikkar's touch as he begins kneading his fingers into Daniel's taunt shoulders, scapula and down his spine. Pops and crackles bubble audibly beneath Rikkar's digits. He begins to withdraw in fear until Daniel reassures him, "It's okay. My body does this all the time. I promise." 

Daniel leans forward, planting both forearms against the wall while Rikkar gently caresses his lower back.

"How are you down there?" Rikkar inquires quizzically.

"Well, if you're asking me about my ass, I think what piles remained in my colon were shoved into my esophagus," Daniel puns. 

Rikkar gingerly spreads Daniel's soapy buttocks to massage his swollen button. Slowly Rikkar slides a finger past Daniel's sphincter, causing a jolt of electricity to shoot outward from his tender ring. 

"Mmm, I like that Rikkar, but I'm not so sure we should be doing this," Daniel gasps meekly. 

BIC HQ's voice muffled from Rikkar's rumpled clothing outside the shower, "We agree!"

"You've been through many trials upon your voyage here. I want to make you feel good. You've been forced into rough sex with a marauding Viking, sexually assaulted in a fertility ritual, and you have seen things that defy logic and human compassion. Yet, you care about me. You maintain a notion of saving me from Jack of your past, so you must like me somewhat?" Rikkar conjectures. 

Daniel ponders the proposition. He likes HIS Richard. The hairy, slightly fluffy body, Cro- Magnon styled Richard, whose arm and furry chest nestled Daniels head throughout the night. He tells himself it shouldn't matter that future Rikkar's body is smooth and muscular. It's what's inside, or at least it should be if he believed his own verbal malarkey. If only the two could become one. HIS Richard with the masculine top, Rikkar.

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