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Sailing atop the dark glassy blue reflecting a revolving myriad of glittery ornaments, embellished sequins amid a darkened blanket created by our aubade's light smudged by the Earth's backside, could only be described as abysmal intimacy. Traveling the open sea, particularly away from light pollution created by Terra's plague of human locust, an eerie tranquility settles into the soul. Spying our galaxy from a reclusive outer arm of our spiral home lends a vantage point that dispels trivialities of mundane matters into perspective. 

With only the sounds of waves smattering against the sides of the boat coupled with the hum of solar powered generators propelling the engines, the Metastopheles (aptly named) wedges through gentle crests and troughs towards an ominous destination. A course plotted from information culminated via BIC and the woodland faeries, 59.38°,-4.27° was to be our approximate mark. It WOULD have to be point #11 of Berker-Hagens World Grid. Joy, joy...another freakin' 11 that presents itself in my life. Wish I knew what the 11's really meant. Are they personal to each individual, or part of a larger, more finite message? 

"You really need some sleep you know? Even though your eyes are closed, I can sense your restless mind. Strange as that is to admit," Rikkar bewilders. 

"Why do you consider that strange? We're all interconnected to an extent. Sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on interaction and perhaps a shared past, or future as it were," Daniel restlessly babbles. 

Rikkar acknowledges, "I really wished I knew that you were right about me in the past. Then again, I'm not sure I would want to know. Damn, I'm beginning to even sound like you."

"And that's a bad thing?" Daniel feigns injury to his pride, while smirking with eyes still closed. 

"I tell ya what. If you or we make it through this to the other time frame, give this to my past self," Rikkar rolls to his side and slips a platinum bracelet around Daniel's right wrist. From within the center gleams a cobalt blue star within a star within a circle and cubist configuration. 

"Deja vu again," Daniel mutters while gazing at the Tesseract encased bracelet."What?" questions with a disbelieving expression.

"Your gifting me something to hold onto. You did that before I left Florida too. That is, your past self," Daniel clarifies while showing the necklace which Richard gave him for protection. You, your past self that is, told me that all religions came from one people, before any earlier acknowledged civilization. That man was genetically created by intelligent alien visitors. 

"Hmmm, interesting. Well, perhaps that part of me never changed. A giving soul. That is if I believed in this soul concept," muses Rikkar while avoiding the question of human progenitor.

Daniel professes as he inadvertently scratches a worry bump behind his ear, "I think it was meant to happen. I actually lost my Celtic cross that I wore at Kevin's house before leaving to visit Richard on the way to the Bahama's trip. Interesting since he is not particularly partial to any faith whatsoever. Though, I had this odd sense that someone was praying for me during the time I first was captured by the whirlpool, worm hole, time event horizon or whatever you would like to call it.

Which reminds me. Have you been back to the past as far as the time of Christ? That's something I would want to behold. To know the truth. To read the scriptures unedited, to listen to the first person accounts, or witness him in the flesh. I know he exists due to the Roman historians Josephus and Tacitus."

"Hmm, interesting thought. However, time travel becomes more dangerous and the inability to be retrieved more difficult the further back in time due to calculations. 

"Well, it's only less than 8 centuries past where we are now," Daniel counts backward in his mind.

"At this time, it's only 8 centuries, which is not as far from your present time as it is from mine. Perhaps one day we shall have the opportunity to refocus our survivalist energies to document history," Rikkar offers. 

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