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While Daniel pours himself a glass of Frizzante, he notes Richard's wincing from time to time while laying on his fluffy sofa in front of the TV, flipping channels back and forth mindlessly with no apparent care as to what is really on each channel. 

"Want to talk about it?," Daniel approaches.

"Huh?" Richard answers after a few seconds of no response. 

"Would you like to talk about whatever is eating at you, or would you like to tell me what part of your body hurts that you aren't wanting to discuss?" Daniel directs. 

"Ohh, I'm fine, really," Richard placates. 

"Yeah, sure. Would you like for me to draw a bath for us?" Daniel suggests while bringing Richard another beer to suckle.

'Naw, that's not necessary.  I'm just tired," Richard excuses.

"Well, in that case, may I snuggle with you or rub your feet, while you're engrossed in the Shopping Bonanza Network?" Daniel offers facetiously. 

"Sure, that's fine. Let me scoot over," Richard appeases. 

Daniel's mind begins to wander in between feminine squeals lauding the various pieces of gaudy costume jewelry being offered for precious metal prices and the drone of constantly changing channels. Richard's heartbeat slowly thumps into his right ear followed by thoughts of the day's activities running through his brain like a child's viewmaster toy. He senses his firm body pillow twitching underneath his super entwined limbs, which interrupts his cerebral foreplay. As Daniel moves to regain his grip around his claimed fluffy pillow, a voice gently chastises his leg grip of death with a grunt, "Shhhh.. be still baby."

Drifting back back into early REM sleep, the earlier picture frames transform into kaleidoscope geometric shapes.  At first brightly hued, then violently swirling into dirty washtub blues and greens, and finally an ominous brackish colour. He begins to travel along the waves concentric bumpy waves farther to the bottom. The center of the vortex begins to take shape into a horrifying creature that both puzzles and strikes terror into Daniel's soul. Not able to impede the rampage of the scenery, the vortex transforms itself into a coiled snake like creature donning scales, long razor-sharp talons protruding from short appendages, flapping ears resembling wings, and obelisk shaped teeth engulfing its own tail. In the process of tumbling there appears to be no way to fight the descent towards the chasm. The beast rears its grotesque head forth from the coil, revealing an ancient style cross fashioned with elaborate braids all around, dredged into the top of its head with dried blood unfurling like crimson tresses.

As the beast and Daniel are face to face, Daniel wonders aloud, "Why do you have a cross bore into your head? Who did this to you?"

The beast replies, "Ye should knowest.  Ye among others crowned thy head with it. And now I shall take out thy revenge upon ALL!"

Richard in his dream state recounts Corsich's every sadistic invasive thrust into his bowels and every drop of fluid that leaked down the back of his thighs. He doesn't remember if it was blood, seminal fluid, or urine because he wiped so quickly due to abject shame in addition to Corsich's indignities ringing in his ears. How could he thwart this insatiable, homophobic bully from ruining Daniel, if he could not stand up for himself? He wanted to pound his smirking mocking face into concrete pavement, erasing any recognizable feature from his despotic mask. Richard involuntarily jerks as he imagines his fist meeting Corsich's rugged jawline that turns into gratifying mush.  The inertia of his fist send both he and Daniel tumbling onto the carpeted floor between his sofa and glass coffee table. 

As they both stare into one another's bewildered eyes, Richard gasps, "Danny, I'm so so sorry. I uh, um, don't know how this happened. Must've been a dream,"

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