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Daniel didn't really remember falling asleep. Although, he certainly remembered the warmth provided by the plump purring fur ball lying under him. The strong arms cradled him next to nap-topped mounds emanating a soft rhythmic thump in his ear that not only droned him to sleep, but comforted him throughout the night. That same thumping sound quickening in his auditory canal, rousing him from a deep hibernation, signaling a need to awaken. The beastly groaning mass threatened to escape his grasp, much to Daniel's chagrin. In an effort to prevent the inevitable just a little bit longer, he splayed his right leg over the grumbling creature's lower limbs. 

"Mmmpphh, if you plan to have any sight-seeing today before you depart, you may want to release your captive, so he may cook you something for breakfast, grrrr." mumbles Richard.

"Hmm...Whatcha got for breakfast, my sexy dirt diggin' Indiana Jones?" sleepily murmurs Daniel. 

"Are you still drunk?" quips Richard.

"I was neva inebriated to begin with. If I had been, I couldn't have hung onto your buckin' ass," Daniel rationalizes. 

"Ha ha.. hmm. I guess you are owed a full course meal, huh?" considers Richard. 

"Naw, don't put yourself out. Something simple is fine. As long as you have a pot of coffee, I'm good," Daniel peers into Richard's half-opened java coloured eyes. 

"Are you kiddin' me? The Earth would come to a world shattering kaboom if there was not coffee for you in the mornings. Of course, there is coffee! Let me get the pot going baby," promises Richard. 

Daniel performs his normal morning ritual stretching before planting unsteady feet upon a floor. Gently padding down the hallway to the bathroom, the normal pops and creaks accompany his every step, He stops in front of he linen closet for a towel. The hovering scent of sex, lube and perspiration mingled from both Daniel and Richard waft into the air. A nice scent actually, but not one to infiltrate discerning noses of tourists in crowded shops today. After he turns on the shower and equalizes the water temperature, he pivots towards the toilet to relieve himself of straining liquid deposits. Through the small port hole style window, he notices movement across the slue. But without his glasses, he couldn't identify the object. Probably someone concluding a morning fishing trip, his foggy mind reasons. 

Daniel reminisces as the beads of soft mineral water massage all his aching parts:  Mm, good dinner, wine, sex sleep, shower and soon breakfast. Can't get much better than that. Although, I really do wish I'd stop bruising at the drop of a hat. Oh gawd my hips have taken a beating. Oh well, some gentle walking today should pop everything back in place, I hope.

Richard busies himself with breakfast menu:  Coffee, yes. Scrambled eggs, got those going. Bacon? Hmm, no he won't eat piggy. A southern boy but yet won't eat pig. Gravy, maybe? I can handle making the ready mix. Out of biscuits, damn! Buttered toast will have to do. What does Danny call gravy-covered toast? Oh yeah, Shit on a Shingle! What names they have for things in his world. 

"Have you showered yet?" Daniel questions while taking a stool at the kitchen counter. 

"No, not yet. Have everything cooking for breakfast though and go-go juice of hyperactive gods has been brewed," winks Richard while pouring mugs of coffee.  

"Great! Go hit the shower and I'll watch everything," offers Daniel. 

"Do I smell that bad?" worries Richard while sniffing himself. 

"Naw, not unless you want to smell like ass all day," Daniel smirks above the coffee cup rim.

"Who knows? I just might. Would ward off the soccer moms wielding strollers" quips Richard.

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