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HOLY CRAP!! This is not going to end well. Boat dead in the water, no way to get her started unless a bolt of lightning magically revives the system. But I'd prefer not to be hit by lightning. Can't launch the emergency raft as A. no electricity to operate the pump, and B. It won't fare well against waves and can't outrun the storm even if my arms could flap the oars to make it airborne. I'm fucked, royally. And damned Jack is in the same proverbial boat as I am. Damned dumbass muthafuckin' sonofabitchin' hairy ass heathen!  Why in the hell did he follow me out here? Why did he have to give chase? Alpha male shit is what it is! Thinking with what's between his legs as most of our male species do," Daniel fumes while frantically battoning down the hatches and removing anything that may blow away or cause further damage. 

"Well Daniel, it was nice knowing you! Or at least trying to get to know you. I had wanted to ask you for a date. I guess it's kind of late for that?" shouted Corsich ahead of the lead winds. 

"We'll just have to see, won't we? You got everything tied down, Jack?" returns Daniel. 

"Yep, about as secure as I can get it!" bellows Corsich. 

Daniel takes out his father's old binoculars he'd been using to scout fish on Walker's Cay and bird watching. For the scene playing out in front of his specs, no cataclysmic apocalyptic Hollywood movie could have prepared him. In the near distance, the ocean boiled, bubbled and frothed, spewing white foam high into the air. Soon thereafter, the churning evolved into an eddy, becoming wider and deeper as time transpired. Frozen in a catatonic stance, not able to avert his eyes, similar to watching a nail-biting horror flick, Daniel witnessed a chasm opening in the midst of the ocean. A churning slate-blue cauldron formed as though a manic baker had flipped the switch of their mixer from slow to high speed. Concentric rings formed along the sides of the whirlpool analogous to ancient coliseum risers. Masses of material dizzily circling within reveal to be aquatic life having not been able to out swim the enraged monster.

It was at this time, Daniel knew that he and his unwelcomed companion were to be drawn towards the edges of this sinkhole from hell forming in the ocean depths. This must be what a planet feels like while being sucked into a black hole. Having its atmosphere and outer shell ripped asunder until it falls into certain oblivion. The low pressure from the tumultuous skies was weighing down upon him, nearly causing him to fall unconscious. 

Not knowing how this scene would play out, Daniel ties himself off to both sides of boat railing. He imagined his Colonialist forefather John Howland's experience flailing from the side of the Mayflower, hanging only by a rope during a hurricane only to be pulled back aboard when he was noticed missing. He didn't think he would fare as well since there was no one to pull him out of this mess. 

"Lord, I know you can hear me above these high winds and waves moaning as you did your disciples in the midst of a tempest! This is a purdy biggun too! Please HELP ME! These waves will crush my boat and ME! You know I've diligently defended the faith as only I know it to be! I understand you probably have more pressing prayers on your to-do-list.. and.. and.. the world is going to hell in a hand-basket, but I really need you NOWWW!!" shouts Daniel into the deafening winds that carry his boat precariously closer to the edge of the watery abyss. 

Approaching the event horizon, the point of no return, Daniel looks back to locate Corsich and his craft teetering along the edge. 

"Lord, I shouldn't have ran. I should have held my ground and faced him. Whatever he could've done to me, he doesn't deserve to die like this," Daniel blusters to the unforeseen force. 

Just before his boat catapults the waves, the swirling mass exposes a sickening view of the bottom. Daniel stares in disbelief when man-made structures are uncovered by the retreating sea. "Holy SHITTT!! No one would believe me even if I did survive this!" Daniel wails inaudibly against the thrashing waves and howling winds, before his boat battered head long into the watery arena. 

If Daniel had had his wits about him, he would have vomited profusely from the unworldly carnival ride. He could barely manage to steer the wheel to port to give drag to the gut-wrenching speed of the whirlpool and hopefully prevent tipping over starboard side in the counterclockwise currents. As he rode the orbits further towards the abyss, lightning from the fast counterclockwise moving clouds struck the vortex at indiscriminate points, threatening to hit the boat with each electrifying tentacle.  

The soot coloured cyclonic clouds overhead are rotating in a counterclockwise motion, which isn't supposed to happen in the northern hemisphere. It's against all meterological science! Hell, what I'm seeing at the bottom of the ocean is also against all archaeological-held notions! Oh Richard, if I ever see you again, what a tale I have to tell you! What the hell?? The sunken metropolis appears to possess a translucent yet glowing emerald green covering with a narrow window in the side. If one chance out of a million I can shoot the entry, there's a possibility of survival. I don't even know where that window leads, but it can't hurt worse than being obliterated under billions of gallons of water. 

Danny takes aim for the window by letting back on the wheel and slowly rolling 30 degrees port-side and 2 points on the starboard bow. . 

"Fight Danny, fight!! I know you can do this! You're a tough little guy! I can't make that window, but I know you can!' shouts Corsich further behind.  

Danial screamed like a banshee while shooting the entry, and a warm enveloping golden glow was the last thing he remembered.  

I know he's only been gone for a few days, and I've known him for less than that. But, for some reason I feel connected to Daniel.  I've never been a religious man, but yet he is a man of faith. And all he's left behind is this silver cross necklace. It almost feels strange holding it in my hand. Like I'm clinging to a personal object of someone I don't know, but yet I do know him. I want to get to know him better. Silly ole man, what could he see in you? He will return refreshed, you will yield his possession to him, sign off on his return to work papers, and then you both will lead your separate lives once again. Silly symbol of faith. Where has it gotten him? When has it proved fruitful for any of our community but scorn and hatred? "Well, if there is a God and there is a Christ, please take care of him for me. Return him safe and sound,"  Kevin prays while rubbing the silver object between his fingers.... 

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