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Following the long night replete with lucid hallucinations, Daniel awakens to find himself shivering to the bone from the dampness of the forest floor. His haunches were screaming, considering he'd been sitting cross-legged for hours while bent over through loss of consciousness. Nausea did not even come close to describe the hangover affect coupled with connective tissue and bone splitting pain. After retching bile and whatever other fluids his body could contrive to dispose, he began stretching his joints, one at a time to loosen them. Pop, crackle, gag. Pop, unexpected shift of joint, deep moan, vomit. What he would do for some hydrocodone right about now. But where was his bag? And just where the hell WAS everybody? 

Disturbing recollections of the previous night darted back and forth across neurosynapses. No, No..NO... Absolutely not! Some of those things could not have happened! But what if they did? Vomit. He had to get up, locate some semblance of clothes, preferably his own, warm himself and attempt to discern events of the previous evening. Faeries, fuckin' faeries, fuckin' green faeries with wings. It had to be the herbs from the fire. Yeah, that's it! There's no way faeries exist, especially faeries telling him the strangest things. Who was he kiddin'? This entire voyage has been effed up.

But the flying...He flew through the air! He hadn't experienced anything similar since he was a child living at home with his parents. With his arms outstretched, his torso soared through the air above the trees. He could swear he saw Gudrod involved with several small guys participating in the most compromising positions. Not that Daniel really cared. Hell, he'd just bopped his wife, supposedly. And unwillingly. What was that going to do to him when he returned to the future? Would he have one? 

Iohann! He was hurt! Or was he? He'd have to take a look around the campsite to make sure. Did he really care if he was? Maybe he would just ignore it. He was just as bad in the past as in the future, Never evolved one iota. Incapable of it. No, Daniel wasn't that way. He couldn't leave him out there if he was injured. Good necessitates evil in order to be recognized he remembered being told by somebody or some THING last night. 

There were many other things revealed to him. Battles, villages burned, crosses and hammers. And there...was the city at the bottom of the ocean. The very place to which he needed to return. It was essential to spend time with Rikkar, whether Rikkar wanted to listen or not was irregardless. 

Daniel gingerly foraged around the site for something to eat. Can't take medication without something on the stomach. Left upon the hearth were sacrificial food offerings for the gods. He figured it wouldn't be eaten, and since he didn't believe in them, therefore not a sin, right? He rolled some fish with cabbage into Lefse tortilla and also buttered some Ruis bread made from Juuri, a round flat sweet sourdough. Black ravens were nodding in the trees while songbirds pecked among the leaves in search for food. Daniel would toss some of the bread edges out to them. He delighted in providing them sustenance in which they returned to him comfort in having fed a poor creature of God.

As he communed with the forest creatures, a figured stumbles heavily through the underbrush approaching hazardously to the elder stump near where Daniel sat, feeding the birds and contemplating. Daniel jerks his head around to see the figure approaching with dried blood soiling his tunic and britches. 

"Jon, is that you? Have you been injured?" Daniel voices his concerns. 

"Yes, it is Iohann. Thy lost thine manhood over thee, Ergi!! Thy shall take thine revenge and no soul shalt bare witness to thy demise!" Iohann shouts accusingly.  

"Manhood doesn't exist merely in one's loins or what one does with their loins or even what one wears or how one acts outwardly. Manliness comes from within here and here, "Daniel points to his own heart and brain. 

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