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The Ft Pierce marina was not where the Metastopheles should be returning, but it was contained within an inlet, safe from surges and boasted the cheapest yearly dock fees. Not knowing if he wanted to keep the boat for vacations, take depreciation and rental fees off taxes or sell it and bank the proceeds, the price wouldn't break him for a few months to decide. Not only that, but somehow his jeep was relocated there according to the GPS anti-theft device. A previously thought frivolous device, but essentially paid for itself in that one strange circumstance that could not be explained to the police without a lengthy mental health stay. 

While loading his Jeep up with his vacation gear from the boat, Daniel recounts, "Well, at least I got some crocheting and reading done while on vacation. I think I need another vacation just to recover from this one."

"No doubt, eh?" Rikkar chimes in. 

"So now that I'm safe as far as safe from the seas goes, are you returning to your time?" Daniel curiously asks. 

"Mmm, not sure. I thought I might kick about a few days and see what this timeline is all about. I contacted BIC and received permission to furlough considering the report I gave them," Rikkar summarizes.

"Do you need any money? You could stay on the boat if you want. I'll cover the extended stay fees and leave some provisions. Free WiFi and cable television. Restaurants are close by with tourist attractions. I wouldn't depend on finding DNA samples in these parts, however. The sun's rays from the depleted ozone has probably damaged everyone's double helix down here, as evidenced by the rise in skin cancer" smiles Daniel knowing his own skin fragility.

"No, that's okay. I received some currency from our historical department. And actually, it wasn't so much the ozone depletion as the total pole reversal, the climate change preceding and compounded by the earth having lost twenty percent of its magnetism WHILE aligned with the galactic center which changed the dna before the diversity bottleneck," Rikkar alliterates.

"Damn, you sound like David Wilcock when he and others forewarned of the year 2012 end of the Mayan Calendar," Daniel muses. 

"The Mayan Calendar?" Rikkar perks.

"Yeah. Visit Utube while you're resting. This ancient Mezo-American culture predicted changes or the end of Earth as we know it thousands of years ago. Of course other cultures also predicted the same thing, according to Richard, your predecessor. Interesting shit if you believe?" Daniel dangles the question in mid-air. 

"I'll check into this U-tube library thing. Where are you headed now?" Rikkar asks curiously.

"To check on Richard. See how much he's changed, if he even exists. And return this necklace to whom it belongs," explains Daniel.

"Why return the gift he gave to you?" Rikkar eyes the amulet.

"Because.. when I woke up on the boat on this side of the worm hole, it was glowing. It gives me the willies. Besides, it should be returned to who discovered it. It's an artifact from his archaeological dig not far from here. And, I have a better suited adornment at home being safeguarded by Kev. That reminds me, I need to call him. He wasn't too pleased to receive that odd email after worrying himself nearly into a mental breakdown," adds Daniel. 

"I will take you up on your kindness of offering shelter for my respite. I'll be seeing you in the future, alright?" Rikkar assures.

Daniel humors, "Ha-Ha! Okay! Drop in any ole time." 

"I'll try to fix the damages to the boat, before leaving," Rikkar promises.

"That would be kewl, if you can. Put the parts on my account I set up at the shop," Daniel instructs. 

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