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Traveling along the outer island banks, it was notable that many of these lands bore the ending name of Ra'. Makes one wonder if this land wasn't attached to ancient Atlantis. These islands like the Faroes (Pharaohs), Scottish Isles, Ireland and parts of England were purported to have been settled from the descendants of Queen Scota, princess daughter of Akhenaton formerly known as Amenhotep. These people later became known as the Gael or Gaelic people from the son of Scota called Gaedheal. 

Daniel's audible thoughts were broken when Rikkar interrupts, "How can you believe in all this mythology?"

"Oh come on.. you admitted that our future knew very little of the ancient past that we have chronicled in our textbooks, because it became covered over by the sands, earthquakes and climate change, Rikkar. Even this land was different than before. It is known geologically that North Sea at one time did not exist. All was land known as Doggerland, about 15,000 years ago. There is more to our species civilization than we know or want to admit. That much Richard was correct and was one of the things that I liked about you in my time. You were open-minded, curious and accepting of what information in front of you. For instance, the mermen or any humanimal was considered myth, but we see it in our seafaring companions now, don't we?" 

Rikkar smiles knowingly at Daniel as they continue their journey along southern Harris, the Outer Hebrides. Energies were spent frolicking on the protected beach head of Karibikflair shielded by heather covered Taransay. The softly folded rock, oldest in the world, made of pink Lewisian gneiss was supported by a deep green blanket of machair. The kempt piles of turf profuse with wildflowers provided a springy foot path far into the recesses of the island. Fowl of the air soar above while wild ponies and diminutive sheep dotting the landscape grazing their next meals. Daniel and Rikkar survey species of water fauna only dreamt of, never seen in modern times primarily due to over-fishing and trapping. Blue Fin tuna, Houting, Gray whale, and the Great Auk among others which were unrecognizable due to their species lasting but a fraction of geologic time.

Frisius' clan spear tuna and bring them back towards the rocks for their human friends to dine with them. They did not understand the need to cast meat upon a fire, but accepted it was the way humans could digest meat, unlike themselves. Evolutionary trait or a byproduct of learned skill they were not sure, however the need to cook raw meat became a genetic flaw once humans discovered fire, of that they were certain.

After their meal at sunset, Frisius and his clan sense a disturbance emitting low electrical impulses and vibrating back from the island's continental bedrock. What they do not detect yet with their natural sonar was that something immense circling within the waters. Something very long and very ancient. 

"You sense the rift opening, don't you Frisius?" Daniel trepidatiously inquires.

"Something out of the ordinary is happening, indeed," confirms Frisius.

Daniel announces, "We should probably get some sleep before heading to those coordinates in the daylight."

"We will accompany you as far as we are able until the impulses begin to affect our abilities to detect direction," states Frisius. 

"I don't want you or your people to be in harm's way, Frisius. If you wish to stay here in safety, I would not blame you. We shall say our goodbyes before dawn," cautions Daniel. 

Frisus acknowledges, "We shall decide that in the morning. May you both obtain much rest for your journey."

As Daniel checks anchor and tie-offs he prepares to retire while Rikkar stays on deck to report to headquarters, "Rikkar reporting, BIC. I wish to ask for technical advice concerning Daniel's DNA. 

"Do you present an ulterior motive for this question," BIC responds. 

"No. However, he does display amicable qualities, and was wondering if his structure has been analyzed,"

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