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Daniel groans as his butt cheeks squench in remembrance of their prodding the night before.

"Craap, I gotta get up," Daniel murmurs while the sunlight parts the curtains and glints off his baby blue eyes. 

"No, you don't. Not until you intake adequate fuel for your body. It will save you some time and also so I won't worry as much while you're gone," informs Kevin in a voice quite too perky without coffee first.  

"Uh huh.. Oooo, coffeeee. Thank you!" Daniel perks. 

"You're still in your shirt from last night. You wouldn't allow me to remove it, hmm?" quizzed Kevin. 

"It's fine. I'll change into my road clothes after a shower," suggests Daniel. 

"Well, if you need any assistance showering.. considering your leg and all, I would be happy to oblige," Kevin offers with a mischievous grin.

"Well, normally I umm would take you up on that, but I do need to get motivated down the road", Daniel chuckles nervously. 

Noting Daniels's avoidance yet again, "That's quite alright. Perhaps I can interest you in a rain-check on that offer. Now, eat eat! You need it!"

After finishing breakfast, showering and dressing, Daniel packs up his night bags to load into the back of the antiquated jeep. Kevin watching with wistful eyes awaits him on the veranda. 

"Well, time to shove off and get some driving time towards my first destination, Kevin.  It's been wonderful. I really DID enjoy last night and this morning," concedes Daniel.  

"I'm glad you did. The most exhilaration that I've experienced in quite awhile. I umm, do hope you enjoy your vacation and that we can visit with one another upon your return," Kevin hopefully gleams.

"Absolutely!  I'd like that very much!" Daniel admits with a warm wide grin.

As Kevin watches Daniel navigate his jeep to the roadway, his thoughts become foreboding, "Please be careful Daniel. I want you to return in one healthy piece, so that we can possibly navigate our friendship more closely. This lonely ole goat tires of this quiet empty house. 

Kevin returns inside to clean up the breakfast dishes. After which he walks into his bedroom to make the bed. He stands in the doorway, staring into an abyss that consists of four walls which sound hollow now that the passion that permeated the night before has been drained. His hands fluff the pillows to put them into place at the headboard. But before laying them down, he inhales one long breath, allowing Daniel's cologne mixed with natural scent impregnate his olfactory senses. A smile etches across his face as he ponders the cologne. Lagerfeld, yes, it must be.  As Kevin moves to the other side of the bed to pull up the crisp cotton sheets, he notices something shiny on the carpet between the bed and nightstand.  He bends to pick it up.  

"Hmmm, somehow I didn't notice Daniel wearing this silver cross last night. A somewhat old Celtic design, but Christian cross nevertheless. Yes, he told me he is a Christian. I wouldn't think he would mind me wearing it until he returns. Safer that way.  It won't become lost and I can be closer to him in some manner," Kevin rationalizes. 

"May God... your god, return you safely to me," professes Kevin before kissing it.  


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