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While following the procession into the woods close on their heels, the brilliant orbs continued to dance, dive and soar through the parasitic ivy filled limbs of of the forest, becoming denser each parcel traversed. Underfoot, the spongy mildewed ground exuded fluid that made walking treacherous. The scent of cut larch, oak, and elder wafted through the upper canopy coalescing with heather and primrose from deeper within the sacred grove. 

After the procession of veiled Cabalist figures and Daniel drew closer to a cleared area of the woodland, there came into view a wooden pyre formed from an upturned elder tree stump, made concave with a horgr of stones piled into a heap.  The stones were perfectly smooth and coloured deeply red from the saturation of blood freely flowing from a sacrifice suspended from a oak tree. The sight and scent both sickens and disturbs Daniel who for all practical purposes is a vegetarian except for the occasional meal containing fish or fowl. 

On the other side of the grove sits an eight foot statue rendered in solid white oak in the image of what could only be surmised as the god Freyr with the horns of a buck encircling its head with sun rays behind. The half-human half-horned figure wore a silver ring around its neck and arms dripping in blood. The statue bore twisting serpents upon its chest reaching down to the very pronounced phallus between its lotus posturing cloven hooved legs. The phallus was bound in the finest of linen but thoroughly drenched in light honey. 

Asa draws Daniels attention to the smoothed bowl of the elder tree trunk where the crimson stones are heating from the burning coals beneath, "This thy fertility rite for blessing the fruits of our land and of our women to bare children, thee present acorns gathered at night from Odin's sacred tree to increase fertility and primrose, the flower of Freya, the wife of Odin, thine goddess of fertility upon the altar made from the Elder tree, which indicates the end in the beginning and the beginning in the end. Life in Death and Death in Life. Ye Danyeel shall learn the secrets of Seior rituals for ye are an integral part of the rituals tis night. 

Daniel clutches his single strap backpack a little tighter, but all in naught as Asa tosses the last ingredient onto the Elder pyre, a potent mixture of henbane, Angelica and nut cones of Bog Myrtle. The fiery crackle explodes into Daniel's breathing zone, displacing all air other than that which was inundated by the hallucinogens and powerful aphrodisiac. 

Trying to stay vertical was a lost cause. Hitting the forest floor wasn't all that bad, because it meant Daniel's body couldn't fall any further, or could it? Fighting to hold onto consciousness, the wafting nauseating incense swirled in the night air with the moon highlighting each strand that curiously formed menacing, maniacal, malevolent masks amid unfamiliar, snarling, ravenous beasts. His torso shivering yet heated to an extent that his mind was sure his internal temperature would incinerate his clothing. It was almost a blessing to be rid of his garments, but yet his normal reserved mind shouted from a far recess of his brain that his clothes were amiss. Unfamiliar hands slithered along his torso and in areas once only permissible by those given vocal invitation. The multitude relieved him of every draped stitch and footwear.  

Drifting aloft  mingling with vibrations infiltrating every node of his extremities. The body felt light as a feather, carried along atop an expanse of linen to rest upon a cool errant stretch of svao, smooth rock left behind from the last ice age. Daniel is turned over onto his stomach, with his legs hanging over the ledge, parted like a flailing ostrich and held in place with many hands. His pucker prodded and stealthily invaded by an unyielding phallic shape, leaking warmed fermented honey from its mushroom head. His bowels grumble encompassed by the fluid rushing and coating interior spaces rarely visited. Daniel concentrates to communicate movement to a body part, any body part, but to no avail. For an inexplicable reason, he tries to not allow passage of the irrigating substance to part his entrails, however he cannot refrain from expulsing the fluid onto the ground below. Twice more, his insides are cleansed from impurities and waste. 

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