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"Hello, Roberta! Hi ya'll!" Daniel waves to the buxom blonde among the table waits at Knockers. The table waits return Daniel's signature cupid-bow grin and wave vigorously above the throng.  

"Why are you carrying a cane today, Daniel? What happened?" Roberta verbally worries.

"I um, had an altercation with a client, and well, it could have been worse," informed Daniel.

"Hmm, well, your normal table isn't available in the back corner but a window seat across from it is. Is that okay?" Roberta asks.

"Sure, that's quite fine," Daniel confirms.

I've gotta stop using the fuckin' word "'fine', Daniel reminds himself.

"So, do you want your usual chicken tenders with lots of ranch dressing, fried pickles, order of fries and Mich Lite?" winks Roberta.

"You betchar sweet bookus I do," Daniel widely grins.

"So how is it going tonight, hon?" Daniel inquires.

"The usual rowdy construction guys, sports freaks, and bikers," admits Roberta while rolling eyes.

"Well, if you need any reinforcements, holler back here and I'll give them a prostate exam with my cane. Just remind me to take off the rubber tip.  Might get lodged up in thar and neva return," Daniel seriously offers.

"HAHA! I'd actually like to see that! You are such a sweetheart. I wish everyone was like you and this other gentleman who came in before you," Roberta points to Daniel's normal booth.

"Oh, hello Daniel! It's a unexpected pleasure to see you out and about," Mr. Jones greets.

"Nice to see you too, sir," Daniel manages to utter amid his disguised disappointment.

"So you like the food here?" Jones asks.

"Oh yeah and the atmosphere. Reminds me of my college days sometimes," Daniel informs.

"Absolutely. Although, I must admit I took you for a more refined establishment with wine and exotic morsels," Jones prods.

"I do sometimes, but mostly like being lost in a crowd and I like the ladies. They treat me very well and need a break from the Alpha males they attempt to serve while maintaining some dignity," informs Daniel.

"You definitely are a conundrum" suggests Jones.

"I'm not even gonna bite," Daniel says wryly.

"Oh, I didn't mean that as a jab, just merely an observation," explains Jones.

"Mmkay," Daniel feigns interest while opening his laptop.

"So, you performing some casework?" Jones prods.

"Mm, a little bit. Finishing some evals, then onto some trip planning," Daniel dryly informs.

"That's wonderful! All work and no play.." Jones trails as Daniel interrupts.

"Makes for keeping a body out of trouble," Daniel flashes a playful grin in Jones' direction.  

"Haha, not what I was thinking, but it works. The rest seems to be successful. You appear more relaxed as evidenced by your warm smile. Looks very good on you," Jones genuinely compliments.

"Uh huhh.." Daniel casts an arched brow.

"Oh come now. I'm not psychoanalyzing. I leave that at the office," Jones tries to reassure.

"I'm calling bull shit on that one. We all analyze to an extent. It's part of our persona, the reason why we chose this profession. We have this talent or curse, for wanting to know what makes people tick," expounds Daniel.

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