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Approaching the semi-heavily guarded Check Point G, Daniel files into the back of his brain the visual of barbwire running along the top of the fence line pointing inwards. Almost as though, they are not worried about trespassers coming in but rather prevent attempts to escape. Military personnel with the normal buzz cut hair advance the vehicle with sidearms seemingly readily perched at the sides of the billowy beryl-hued NWU's. 

After rolling down the driver's side window a lieutenant requests, "State your purpose here and present your I.D.'s, Sirs.  Wow, this is a really old Jeep."

"Good eye, Lieutenant. She's a GWP built in 1943 and rolled off the Ford production line. Still has her original tag on the inside door jam. She's had her axle reinforced, striped and repainted, I've restored and modernized the seats," rattles Daniel. 

"Sounds like you're in love, sir!" the solder hints. 

"You bet! She's my girlfriend!" Daniel proudly exclaims. 

"Well, if you don't mind sir, we need to gently pat down your girlfriend for contraband and weapons," pardons the soldier.

"Ahh, I don't think she'd mind. She might even enjoy that!" jokes Daniel. "By the way, I have everything in here organized to fit, if you don't mind being gentle in re-stowing everything. But, if you happen to find my spear, would you let me know? It seems to have gone astray on some offroading I did on the way here." 

While the soldiers listen intently for an explanation, Richard squawks, "you have a spear? What the hell are you carrying a spear for?"

"For grouper and mutton fishing in the Bahamas of course. Whawt?? It's legal! I figured if it didn't go well or I injured myself, I'd revert to fishing with a reel off the boat. I intend to eat some FISH while I'm thar.... Shiuut. If ya'll need to keep my vehicle for a spell, it's alright by me. May take ya awhile to pat her down, especially if she likes it." 

The soldiers barely containing their snorts, "That's not necessary sir. It won't take us long." 

Daniel receives a disbelieving stare from Richard, "Whawt? I trust them! They're soldiers. My little Daddy was a soldier. What would they do with a spear anyway?" 

"I dare even ponder...." Richard muses. 

"Oh, my medications are in a black bag on the left side. Please don't lose any, or I will not be a happy camper, right Richard? Are you okay Richard?"

"I'm dying here..." Richard shakes his head in his right hand poised on the steering wheel. 

"Could be worse. They could look inside of my toy bag," whispers Daniel within the soldiers' earshot. 

At that admission, the soldiers lose their composure and nod to one another to shut the tailgate of Daniel's Jeep. 

"God help me, please," pleads Richard. 

"Now see, I knew you believed in God more than you let on. When trouble arises or someone's having sex, he's the first name they petition," adds Daniel. 

"I think you had too much cola at lunch or the chicken sandwich was a bit gamy," accuses Richard. 

"Well, if I have to run to the little boyz room, you'll know it was the chicken,"

With a blushing face one soldier manages to speak, "Here are your security passes sirs.. snort snort.. Please park in the guest spaces... snort snort.. Wait for Major Corsich to greet you at the door before entering. And um, you may be patted down or not. I'm not really sure anymore."

After the gate buzzes to allow entrance, Richard looks back in the review mirror to find the solders doubled over in overly sustained laughter. 

"Why did you do that?" Richard exasperates. 

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