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Daniel after doctoring up a cup of java climbs atop the deck of his boat, attempts to keep the contents therein from sloshing over the rim as the boat teeters back and forth from the waves. Thinking sarcastically: Well this is going to be a nice day for boating. Will have to fight just to get to the appointed place and time of the maelstrom in the middle of the agonic point. Might as well not eat anything as it would be a waste of good food. Wouldn't want to throw up the entire way. Out of Dramamine but have plenty of Phenergan left, thank goodness.

"What are your thoughts concerning these rough seas?" Rikkar delicately inquires.

"It's gonna be a mortal bitch, that's what I think!...Let me drink my two cups of coffee, get dressed for the occasion and we'll bid farewell to our company before disembarking. If you wish to skip back to your plane of existence before then, it would definitely be understandable," Daniel sadly remarks.

"Dispense of those notions. I informed you I was traveling as far as possible. Alright?" Rikkar affirms.

"I don't want you getting hurt. That last act would remain on my conscience Rikkar. I'm not even sure if Jack made it through the maelstrom on the other side," Daniel repines.

Rikkar reassures, "I'm certain he's fine. We, you I mean, will find him on the other side in good health."

"The sea is retreating from the bay. We should probably pull up anchor so we don't beach," Daniel mutters while carrying around his coffee.

Meanwhile, Atla-ra preist, citizens and Poseida note the shaking of their tenuous underwater protective shield: "Poseida, our defenses cannot take much more battering. We must launch defense from our crystals if we hope to survive."

"The crystals that were hidden from the Sons of Belial are not configured for that use, senior priest. If we used them in such prescribed manner, it would ensure mutual annihilation for both the Atlantean remnants and surface dwellers, mankind and beast alike. Without the functioning satellite, the beams could not be directed. We must continue to concentrate our collective mental energies upon the shield. If it is our time to leave this world, I shall go with it. For others who have high enough vibration, you may enter into the portals at any time," encourages Poseida.

Daniel stretches, showers, changes clothes and drinks another cup of coffee before hoisting the anchor. Looking into the eyes of Frisius, he painfully says his adieus. "You're a good being with a good heart. Thank you for your friendship, your understanding and companionship. I wish you and your family well in the future. Stay away from the whaling ships, particularly if the captain has a long beard eh?" Daniel winks with a grin.

"I have chosen to accompany you both to offer safe passage. Do not resist, as I have decided this thing. I need more time to heal, and I can hold onto one of your ropes from the side. The clan has been advised to stay behind and my strong brother appointed in the interim. Now, let us proceed with the journey," Frisius directs.

"All ya'll are stubborn as hell. You know I will worry about you until I am on the other side, and you both are here safe and sound," Daniel voices discontent before throttling the boat engines.

Most of the day was spent fighting through crests and troughs increasingly growing in height and lessening in length. In order to to keep a north westward perpendicular course to allow back swells to carry them more towards the southwest, the Metastopheles was maneuvered on port tack in close haul. Her speed was adjusted so as not to slice through the back of one crest or get caught in the bottom of a trough. The objectives were not to yaw and broach the boat, not overshoot the coordinates and to conserve fuel reserves.

When the late afternoon hours draw nigh, the waves upon the sea become eerily calm. Daniel's muscles are wracked from standing for hours constantly wrestling the wheel and adjusting speed. Rikkar offers to take over as he had been strapped down in a chair most of those hours keeping watch for rogue waves at stern.

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