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Kevin Jones once again a weekend home alone, begins his ritualistic sitting on the bedside, pondering: Danny has been gone way too long. He promised to call me once he arrived in Indian River, Florida. He did that, I admit. Then he was to call or text once arriving in the Bahamas and before beginning his return home. Yes, I realize I'm acting like an overly protective hen. Yes, he IS on vacation, but something IS wrong. His office hens haven't heard from him either. If anything happened to him, all I have are memories and this silly silver cross pendant. Perhaps not silly to him, of course. I haven't even washed the bed linens since he left. They are crumpled in the corner and I drink in his scent before leaving for work and upon my return. How stupid of me. He's probably forgotten me by now with all those partying men donning if even a scrap of clothing in the sultry climate. Most likely had sex with a few of them, as is normal for many gay men in our community, even with the passing of same sex marriage. He'll be surprised of the news when he returns. IF only he returns.

"Oh please lord, whomever you are, hear my humble prayer. I don't know if I believe in you, but Danny does. Please bring him home safely and in a good frame of mind and body. Whatever is ailing him, give him healing that I cannot. I don't even care if we could be a couple, just that he is safe and healthy. Thank you for listening..." Kevin kisses the cross as his prayer is concluded.

Shooting down the sides of a whirlpool is kind of like imagining oneself on a small raft inside of a spent pot of chili and washing the remains down the drain. Can holler all you want, but still see the edge of the drop coming and knowing that there is not a damned thing that can be done about it, but just go over the edge. Weightlessness, that funny feeling in the bottom of the feet that knows something isn't as it should be. If one has fear of heights, legs turn to jello and the body is laying on the most possibly, hardest surface that gravity can supply. It fights to get to that comfortable place of existence, where it feels something under it. Except in a waterfall or whirlpool, there really isn't any solid ground on which to depend. Just falling until reaching the stomach sickening bottom, a long way down. Falling isn't all that bad. The long agonizing anticipation is much worse.

Holding onto the wheel for dear life, Daniel explodes, "I HATE THIS FUKKIN PART!!! I'D FORGOTTEN HOW SCARY IT IS!!"

Rikkar shouts in close proximity to Daniel's ear, "Then please tell me you had your eyes open the LAST time??"

"AWW HELL NAWWW!!... are you CRAZY, ya MOFOoo??!! NOT the ENTIRE damned way man! I would've passed out LONG before NOW!" Daniel screeches at the top of his lungs.

"Then I'll keep my eyes on the whirlpool! Ohhh SHIUUTT!!!" Rikkar seemingly disavows his offer.

Daniel Shouts, 'Yeah!!.. see what I mean!!.. Just let me know when you spot the window!!"

"Mmmkay, if I MUST!" Rikkar relents.

"Well, we could just slam up against their defense shield and crash the party!!!" Daniel offers impulsively.

Rikkra counters, "They may not like us doing that! I will keep an eye out for that portal!!"

While Daniel and Rikkar attempt to guide the wheel and rudder of the boat manually down the rings of the whirlpool, the grand commissioner of the Atla-Ra, Poseida is apprised of their ship entering the no-return zone.

"These humans, they are different. They bonded and tackled the humanimal serpent, the most ancient of Belial creatures, giving our rescue mission another millennium or so reprieve. One of them has been through here recently. He is here for a purpose. He is one of the awakened. He is not totally aware, but questioning. The other is partially awakened, but does not have enough vibration yet to reconnect to a higher plane. He must find his spiritual consciousness and awareness. Interesting, very interesting development. There may be hope after all for the second and first wavers. Open the portal wider so that we may bring them in on the beam when they are closer." Poseida instructs.

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