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It started as a normal day for Jay, he woke up, brushed his teeth, changed his clothes, grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door of his apartment. He arrived at his school 5 minutes later as he entered the building he let out a sigh. He absolutely hated school but he sucked it up,put his stuff in his locker, and went to his first period class history. When he sat down he looked up and just stared at the ceiling waiting for either class to start or for his friends to show up. Most of the time it's the second one. Then, they started again, the flashbacks weren't so bad but the pain that follows is what tortures him. Shortly after this one of his friends shakes him out of it. "Jay, what's wrong? You've been staring at the ceiling for some time now." She pointed out. "Nothing's wrong, just memories is all." He lied. He hates lying to them but it's for the best. If only they knew the truth Jay thought.

He managed to lie to everyone about what happened to his family, they all think they died in a car crash, but only Jay knows the truth. It was him, he killed them, he didn't mean to, he just can't control it. The thing inside him, that is. He is a very rare thing, what everybody calls "the demon cat" he calls it for what it is. The beast within him is a hybrid between a demon, a black panther, a king cobra, and a wolf.

Jay May look normal but he is a were-brid, a person turning into a hybrid, but he only transforms when moonlight hits him, a crescent moon, specifically or if he gets angry.

Soon he was surrounded by his friends, the first to sit down was the one from earlier, Ryleigh Hardmen. Who is the only girl in the group, she had long curly brown hair and she had a darker skin tone than the rest of us. Today she was wearing her casual outfit. A blue shirt, blue jeans, gray shoes, and a silver necklace with a heart on it. She was the same age as most of us, but thanks to sleepless nights she looks 18, a year older.

Next to sit down was Darian Reddiford who loved anything that had to do with horror or jump scares in general, it always seems to be funny to him. Jay couldn't tell if it was a bad set of humor or something else. He wore his usual Jason Vorhees jacket, a nightmare on elm street shirt, and red and white sneakers. He was 17 as well, but he seemed a year younger than us. His brownish-reddish hair didn't help though.

3rd was Marshall Nelson who was a bit different from the rest of them. He almost always seemed out of it being 16 he was one of the younger ones of the gang and we don't know why he hung around us when he had multiple choices of people to be friends with.

Then it was Tyler Workman who sat down next. He worked 2 jobs and lived with his younger brother in an apartment themselves. He told Jay he could live with them multiple times, but he always refused because he didn't want to intrude on them. Plus being what he was would cause more problems in the near future. Tyler wore his usual outfit as well a plain black t-shirt, jeans, gray shoes, and a metal ring. Even though he isn't engaged he wore it because it was a family heirloom, and the last gift from his mother before she and his father burned on a fire. He was the oldest one in the group being 18 and all, but thanks to sleepless nights and overthinking things he looks 20.

Aaron and Dallas were next to sit. Those 2 always fought over the smallest things from a pencil to even a woman they saw at the same time. Not only them but their families also fought a lot. Everybody knew not to fuck with these 2, they may fight a lot but their last names inspire fear into people. Nobody would ever think about a Hudson and a Gibson getting along, but for the longest time these 2 did. Then a bridge between them had burned and they haven't gotten along since. It is one thing to bully a Hudson or a Gibson in general, it showed you had guts, but if you try to bully both of them you would find yourself in the hospital by the end of the week on life support.

A few minutes later class had officially started. Jay didn't like history to much but with Mr.Schoenhut as the teacher made it fun. After attendance he made an announcement. "Class" he said "today we have a new student, please come in and introduce yourself." He asked. Right then a girl walked in.

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