Chapter 8 the rat problem

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As Jay as walking to his car he heard something nearby so he just casually pulled out the pistol he keeps in his jacket. "Who ever is there better come out before I unload this clip into your motherfucking ass" Jay said as he cocked it. Just then 3 people came out from behind the bush, Jay didn't shoot them because he knew who they were or much rather remembered them. "Jay do you remember us? Do you remember who we are? You know why we are here, but the real question is, are you still keeping that promise?" Said the guy in front. "Yes I do remember you, I know why you are here and yes I am still keeping the promise so goodbye, for good" Jay said as 3 shots echoed in the night sky.

The whole Dawson family ran out to check the sounds just like everyone else in the neighborhood. "Go back inside everyone no need to be alarmed, just taking care of some thieves and a rat problem" Jay said putting the pistol back where it was. "Jay you... you killed them. You killed 3 people without hesitation. Because they were thieves? And what do you mean a rat problem? What happened? Are you alright?" Hannah asked him. Then everyone realized what happened and who shot the gun so everyone but the Dawson's went back inside. "Yes I killed them as for why I said a rat problem, I wouldn't worry about it. I killed them because they were trying to break into your house and I am fine, don't worry I will get the bodies out of here. My mess my problem" Jay said as he took 2 bodies to his car. He then grabbed the third and drove off to the police station

Hours later

Jay was just laying around his apartment doing nothing when a notebook appeared out of nowhere but he knew it was the ghost that did it. What is wrong with you today? You seem very out of it is what the ghost wrote down. "Nothing is wrong just been thinking. Oh and we have a new person in the group. Her name is Hannah Dawson" Jay said. A pencil appeared out of nowhere and Jay read as the ghost wrote is it the same Hannah you told me about before? The one you made a promise to? The one you promised you would always protect when you're around? She's here? Does she know who you really are? Jay responded with "yes that Hannah, she is here in this town she moved here and no she doesn't know but I think she suspects something. That I am someone from her past" and with that they went to sleep

The next day

Jay woke up and remembered he had school today, but he could not deal with the stress today.

Especially after what happened last night, so he wasn't going to school today but he was gonna go out and do some things.

After Jay went shopping for stuff he needed he decided to go home and turn on a movie. He went ahead and turned on Freddy vs Jason and made some popcorn when he heard a knock on his door. He went over to see who it was and then he opened it to see it was him. The one person in the military, general nelson, "so what do you want this time general? You have visited me 6 different times in the last month. So is this about your son or trying to get me to join the military again?" Jay said. "A bit of both. Can I come in now? It's a bit cold out here" the general said. Jay stepped aside and let him in. As the general walked in he looked around and noticed the movie.

"Mind if I join you? You two don't seem busy" said Jay as he was about to close the door. He opened it again and saw Hannah standing there, "why aren't you at school Hannah? You need to learn what you can, go to college and get a good job, be the exact opposite of me" Jay asked her. "Well I figured you knew more important things and you aren't at school either so why should I be?" Hannah questioned him back. "Fair" was his only response. They sat down and exchanged names. "Mr.Colsen, I did some background research myself and figured out that Jay Colsen is a fake name, they were born when you showed up here. So who are you really mystery man? What's your real name? And why does something bad happen wh you show up and when you disappear? Who Are YOU?" Asked the general
Hannah then loomed right behind him and asked "yeah, who are you? You know a lot, you never explain how. And a lot doesn't add up. Those people you shot weren't thieves but they were after you. And no matter what you never remove that mask of yours. You always wear it and you don't take it off even when you're eating. Who are you behind that mask?". "Well if you must know and keep questioning me about it, I will show you. But you will not talk about it outside this apartment,  or you end up like those Rats I exterminated understand?" Jay said more over to the general but both nodded in agreement. Jay then slowly started taking it off, but just then something fell from nowhere

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