Chapter 12 Becoming nice

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As they walked, they also decided to see if they had any other interests besides the were-brid and they actually listen to some of the same music. Then a guy and what Jay assumes to be his friends comes around a corner. "Hey man, got a light?" The guy asks. "Yeah sure" Jay said while reaching for his pocket. Then the guy whipped out a knife and held it against Jay's throat. "And your wallet" he said.

Jay chuckled at this as Hannah looked at him confused. "Why are you laughing Jay? What's so funny?" She asked him. "Oh, nothing, just that he thinks he can order me around" he replied while calming down. "Listen man, I don't have a lot of time, just give me your wallet and I'll be on my way" the guy in front of him said. Jay just shrugged, he then continued reaching for his pocket but then suddenly stopped. The guy in front of him got a bit angry and said "hurry up, don't have all night." "You don't, but I do" Jay said as he then grabbed the knife and twisted it back and then broke the guy's arm. Then he kicked the guy's leg while it was sideways and broke that too.

They guy's friends tried interrupting him but then Jay got a little of annoyed and sighed and then stepped away and pulled the pistol out of his jacket. "You still have that thing? Wow, I thought you would've gotten rid of it" Hannah said. "Well, these guys are annoying me and we need to hurry up before the others suspect something" Jay said. "Jay Colsen, you will NOT shoot and kill 3 people at this time of night!" Hannah screamed at him. One of the guys in front of them then started shaking. "Jay? Jay Colsen? Is that really who you are?" He asked him. "Well, that's the name I currently go by, but yeah, I guess it is" Jay responded before sighing as 3 shots rang out into the night.

Jay and Hannah reached the spot they are staying at a few minutes later and sat down outside. Jay sighed again and looked over at Hannah, "so why couldn't I kill them?" Jay asked her. "Well, you need to learn how to be nicer and killing people isn't nice" she said to him. "Alright, fine, be glad they're alive Hannah, but don't expect so much from me" Jay sighed. "You should go in and sleep, you need rest" Jay said. "I was about to go in anyway, but where are you going to be sleeping? All you said was "don't worry, I'll find a place and sleep" so where are you going to sleep?" She asked him. Jay sighed at this and thought "she's persistent, that's for sure." "Well, I always could sleep on the couch, or not at all" Jay said.

"-not at all" Jay said. Hannah thought "this is my chance." She then put on a stern face and said "no sir! You have to sleep in a bed to get better rest!" "Well, where would I sleep then? All the beds are taken up and almost everyone is asleep now" Jay said while looking at the time. "Well, you could stay with me in my bed" she said while blushing a little. She then looked up at him as he turned away and she could swear his face was a little red. "S-Sorry, that was stupid of-" she was cut off as he said "a-alright, if you want me to." She then blinked and blushed more. They then went inside and to the room they would be sharing now, apparently. She climbed into to bed on one side as he did on the other.

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