Chapter 1 the new girl and the bully

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"Hi, my name is Hannah Dawson and I transferred from Weston high school in North Carolina." She said. "Good to meet you Hannah you can go over and sit by Jay" said Mr.Schoenhut while he pointed at Jay. "Oh great, now I have to deal with her too" Jay thought as he rolled his eyes.

As soon as she sat down she asked him "why are you wearing a mask? Are you sick or something?" And so Jay responded with "no I am not sick and I wear this mask for private reasons now shut up and pay attention so you can learn and we can all get out of this hell hole faster." Then she did what he said after whispering "rude" to no one in particular.

A few hours later

"Finally lunchtime" says Jay as he walks to the table that he and his friends always sits at. The moment he sat down his friends showed up sat down and started eating, talking and laughing. Then they hear a sound and look up to see the new girl Hannah already getting bullied." God dammit now I have to deal with this shit too." Jay said as he got up. He walked over and stretched out his hand "here now get your ass up and go sit down and eat." He says sounding a little pissed off. "Thanks now what are you going to do?" She asked him. "That's simple I'm going to kick his ass, but not because he started to bully you because 1. He deserves it and 2. He needs to be put in his place" is what Jay responds with. "Well thanks anyways" she says as she takes his hand and gets up.

While she went to sit down Jay turned around and cracked his knuckles "now then onto the topic at hand" he says as he walks up to Ryan the one who shoved her down. Jay remembered him, he always acted so tough but when it comes down to physical strength Ryan practically had none, he always counted on his friends to do the dirty work but they weren't here today. "What are you going to do Jay? Your just a human being like the rest of us" Ryan said as he waved his arms around. "This" is only thing jay responds with right before kneeing him in the gut, then Jay smashed Ryan's head into his knee then when Ryan staggered backwards looking surprised Jay punched him right across the jaw and down he went like a sack of potatoes.

The fight started with Hannah getting bullied and ended with Ryan, the bully laying down on the ground with a busted jaw and a broken nose. The Jay just walked back to where his friends were sitting and said as he sat down "now where were we?" As the conversations started back up as fast as they had ended. A few minutes later he gets tapped on the shoulder and Jay quickly turns around to see Hannah standing there and said "you really didn't have to stand up for me and you could have just ignored it like everyone else, so thanks." "No problem and like I said he deserved it and he needed to be put in his place. Now if you want to talk to me then call me by my name and don't touch me, I hate being touched by people" Jay responds with. "Okay, so Jay do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" She asked him.

Bell rings

"Well they're going to have to wait till tomorrow, because lunch is now over" says Jay. "Alright well see you tomorrow then" Hannah said.

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