Chapter 10 the camping trip

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Jay got tired of lounging around town so he took a drive. He decided to go on a camping trip. But their was a small problem, his friends wanted to come along. They were heading to a little cabin he rented that wasn't far from a beach.

When they got there Jay checked the time, it was 7:58. "Well, I suggest you all go in and call dibs on the room you want, otherwise you might get stuck with one you don't" Jay said. Everyone but Jay ran in and picked one while Jay got his stuff and more. He finished setting up some stuff outside and then walked in and looked around, it was already a mess. The table flipped over, all of them running around, acting like rabid dogs. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SIT DOWN, ALL OF YOU. BEFORE YOU ALL GET KICKED OUT, THEN NO MORE DOING THIS, EVER!" Jay shouted. At that moment everyone stopped and looked at him and sat down on the couch. Jay walked in front of them and looked at them each individually.

"Now, why don't you all fix this mess you made and take your stuff from the car and take it to your rooms, otherwise no food tonight" Jay said calmly. Then they all gave him looks and rushed out, grabbed their stuff and brought it to their rooms, everyone except him and Hannah that is. "You weren't really going to not feed them were you?" She asked him. He then looked at her and laughed a little "no I wouldn't, just a threat. Tonight I'm cooking for dinner, having some meat and vegetables" Jay said and pat her back. "Now why don't you go and grab your stuff too? You don't want to get a room that you didn't pick". "Well, what about you? You let everyone else pick what rooms they wanted but you didn't pick one, so where will you be sleeping?" Hannah asked him. "I wouldn't worry about me, I'll find a place and sleep" jay answered her. "Well I guess I'll go grab my stuff, what are you going to do?" She asked. "Well, for starters I'm going to fix this place up, then we'll see from there" he answered as he looked around.

He walked over and set the table upright and then straightened the tv on the wall, moved a few chairs and then picked up the couch and put it how it was supposed to be. He then looked over and Hannah was still standing in the same spot with her mouth hanging open. "H-how can you lift that?! Normally it would take 2 people to move it but you just did it with one hand?!" Hannah asked. "Well, I've become a bit stronger and different from other people as you should know by now, and the couch was nothing, the reason my arms aren't all puffed out and muscular is because I don't like to show off" Jay explained. "Okay, But who knew the famous Jay Colsen hated showing off, but I guess that gives a bit of an explanation for some stuff" she said. "Now, go and grab your stuff" he said. "Well, you have to go and grab yours too, don't you?" She asked him. "Yeah, but you didn't have to wait for me" he said as he motioned her outside first. She walked outside to the car as Jay followed her. They went and grabbed their stuff out of the back of the car and re-entered the cabin. "You go and get unpacked, I'll start cooking" Jay said.

An hour later

"Jay, how are you going to eat this stuff with your mask on? Maybe you should take it off?" Hannah asked him. "Well, I'll eat after you all are done eating so that way I don't have to right now" Jay answered her. "Come on Jay, we haven't seen you without your mask on at all, we should see your actual face at some point" said Hannah. "She makes a fair point Jay, no matter how long we've been friends and that, you've never shown us either, you keep it on in class, when your eating, and when your driving. You never take it off" agreed Ryleigh. "So they haven't seen either? Is their ever a time when you have it off? How long have you had that thing? And where did you get it?" Hannah asked. "Have you ever noticed you ask a lot of questions Hannah? I've had the mask a little while because it belonged to my biological father, you know, the one I killed, I got it when he died and I have been wearing ever since his death. And I take it off when I'm about to go to sleep, or when I'm eating sometimes" Jay said with a bit of hostility in his voice. "Okay, okay I get it, don't ask about the mask. Don't get violent please, I meant no harm" Hannah said backing away slowly."I'm sorry, I'm not going to hurt you, I just tend to get defensive about the mask, it's not my favorite subject" Jay said as he breathed in and out, calming down.

"It's alright Jay, we're sorry about pressuring you about it, we just get confused because we never see your face and your anger can be terrifying, in fact some of us are scared of you" Ryleigh said to him. Jay stopped cooking for a moment and looked at them one by one, staring at there eyes. "It's okay, I get it, nothing is ever simple, almost everything can be complicated, especially around me, and why would you be terrified of me? I'm just me, and you're all my friends, even you Hannah, so no matter what I wouldn't hurt any of you" Jay said as he then turned back and continued cooking. "You know what, we can talk about it after we finish eating tonight, then we can talk, those who want to that is, if you don't then don't make a mess, and if you do, then still don't make a mess" Jay said.

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