Chapter 11 Going for a walk

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A few minutes after everyone ate only 2 went inside while the rest sat outside on chairs and talked with some drinks in their hands. "So Jay, what's on your mind?" Someone asked as Jay looked up. He's been lost in thought for a little while, and he didn't notice until someone said something to him and he snapped out of it. "Hmm? Oh, nothing too exciting, just waiting for when he will start up again" he answered, which was true, he was wondering when the other side of him goes berserk and starts killing. "Jay, you always keep a close watch on this person, who is it that has almost all of your attention all the time?" Ryliegh asked him. "It could possibly be the person he mentioned while he was at my place" Hannah said.

At that moment a lot of heads turned towards her and looked confused. "Wait, so he knows where you live? And he's been there already? And what friend? We are his only friends, everyone else is scared shitless of him" Darrian said. "Well, my family just moved here, you know this, and so we didn't have much and we bought a cheap house that looked a bit run down. Well, we checked for one of the best companies to fix it up and we found one that could fix it up and another that could paint it, so we called them both and Jay here was the one that actually did both, he also kind of flipped my dad on his ass" some people chuckled at that and she continued "well, for helping us with that and doing it in just half the pay, and after the painting and that, my mother invited him for dinner, we mostly just asked him questions, but we kept it short and sweet, until we got to a rumor that Jay knows who the demon cat is, but yeah, that's about it" Hannah said finishing it up along with a soda. "Hey Jay, mind tossing me a Pepsi?"she asked and Jay complied and did it.

"So, is the rumor true? You know who the demon cat is?" Asked Ryleigh intrigued. "Yeah It is, I know who he is and I know he is trying to lead a peaceful life away from all that violence. I met him when looking into it, we kind of reached for the same book and we glared at each other and we started reading, became friends and told me his problem, I try and help him control it" Jay said, giving them a clear answer. "Well, who is he? What's his actual name? You never said it, all you called him was he or him and what is his species?" Asked Marshall. "Well, he is human like the rest of us, I will not say his name, so he can live a peaceful life like he wants, and "the demon cat" is just the name the town gave him, he is a were-brid, a human that turns into a hybrid, and he is most likely the last of his kind, after all, when was the last time you heard about something like a were-brid existing?" Jay said. They all muttered in agreement of not having heard of one and they just started up random conversations again and Jay said "I'm going for a walk" as he stood up.

He started walking away from the group and towards the beach that wasn't far from their location. "Hey Jay, wait up!" He heard someone shout from behind him. He didn't bother turning around because as soon as they got close he smelled who it was. "Hey Hannah, why are you following me?" He asked without turning around to see. One of the perks about having this beast inside of him is the increased senses it gave him, he could see, hear, and smell better as well as sense people or things near him, so he could never be surprised, although the taste of everything has become more bland. "Well, I just wanted to know where you were going and to see if I could join you" she asked him as she looked in his eyes. "Just for a walk and sure, If you don't mind silence or random conversation topics" he answered. "Well, probably better topics then what they talk about" she gestured over to the group. Jay chuckled at this and said "fair" and started walking before stopping and turning around "you coming or not?" He asked her. "U-uh yeah I am" she stuttered with her face a little red.

They started walking down the beach until they got to a area they are completely unfamiliar with and started to head back until Hannah's stomach growled. "Wow, that was a good impression of the were-brid" Jay said, teasing her. "Hey! That wasn't nice and you know it!" She said with her cheeks puffed out. "Alright, alright, fine, we could stop by a Wendy's or something and grab some food and that, I'm kind of hungry too" Jay said as he pointed to the Wendy's sign. "Okay, are you going to take off that mask to eat? And I think you should be hungry, you didn't eat any of the food you gave us" she said. As they started walking up to it they started talking about what to get and that sort of thing. When they arrived they both ordered practically the same thing, a simple cheeseburger with fries and a drink, only Jay had fries with his and Hannah got some chicken nuggets instead. They say down at a table in the far back corner "so Jay, why did you want to sit here? Were the only people here this late, why the far back?" Hannah asked him. "Remember I hate attention? And plus I like the back it's the darkest in all the areas and sometimes it has the better view" Jay said while taking a bite of his burger and looking out the window with his mask still on, just loose enough that he could eat and drink. He then sensed something close in one direction and grabbed it, it was Hannah's wrist. She looked stunned and stared at him "I-I wasn't going to pull off your mask, I swear!" She said looking wide-eyes at him. Jay just chuckled at this and let go of it "as long as you don't remove it, I couldn't care" he said. For the rest of the time they ate in silence and then Jay dumped the trash and left a tip as they walked out "you know, your always thought to be a demon, why do you seem like such a gentlemen? You hold the door open for girls, you pay for meals and you act so nice, why?" She continued bombarding him with questions, but he was used to it by now. "Well, I'm nice to certain people and I'll seem nice as long as you don't get on my bad side, or you might regret it" he looked at her as she then looked horrified at him. He laughed at this and said he wouldn't do anything to her or any other woman, before they continued their walk back to the cabin.

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