Chapter 6 1 secret of many

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The moment Jay showed back up Hannah walked up to him and said "my parents never told me what they want painted so you're going to have to wait while I get them" "alright fine by me" said Jay as he got out of his car. As Hannah went to get her parents Jay started looking through his supplies for everything he needed, as he finished checking her parents came out of the house. "Mom, dad this is the one who is going to be painting and he is also the one who fixed it up earlier not to mention we know each other from school" Hannah said as she introduced me to them. "Hey my name is Jay Colsen and I am from painters union so what do you want painted?" Jay asked with the normal greeting from him when he starts the job.

Jay didn't expect much, but what he really didn't expect was Hannah's father trying to hit him first thing. The moment he swung Jay countered by tilting his head and then grabbing his wrist and flipping him over his shoulder slamming him down on the ground. "Mind explaining why you just tried to hit me?" Jay asked him. "I was just checking your reflexes and to see if you are as strong as they said" he says. "Tch" is all Jay responds with as he lets him go. And then Hannah said "Jay these are my parents, my mother Sophie and the one you just flipped on their back is my father, Jeff" she said. "Well now that we got to know each other can you show me what you want painted and what color?" asked Jay.

As soon as Jeff got up they started walking to a spot at the house. "So, your the all famous Jay I keep hearing about by everyone, including my daughter? You were orphaned and began living by yourself. Sounds familiar but I can't remember where" said Jeff eyeing Jay suspiciously. "I didn't know I was famous but ok. Yes I was orphaned 3 different times. And I wouldn't think you would remember all of that from 6 years ago" said Jay as he gave Jeff a death glare that would put anybody to shame. "Wait so it is you?! J-" he was cut off by Jay saying "yes it is me now shut up about it, but it has been a long time Jeff."

The conversation then transferred to what happened the other day about Hannah getting bullied. "-then Jay came out of nowhere and helped me" Hannah finished telling the story. She then turned around to face Jay and said"those moves you did, I saw them before but by someone else. If you actually let me see what you look like under that mask then maybe I could place my finger on it. Besides who exactly are you?" and Jay responded with " you probably did see those moves before, as for the mask, you will never see what I look like underneath. No one has for years, as for who I am exactly the answer is simple. I'm Jay who is just a kid trying to make a living" "well here's the spot we would like you to start at, go all the way around the house and your job is done as for what color you can decide" said Sophie.

"Mom so I can't pick the color but he can? What type of logic is that?" asked Hannah. "I can't choose a color but I can make some recommendations for colors that would go with the inside as well as the front of it. Like for instance a light shade of blue would look nice on the outside with white walls or a darker shade of blue for the walls" said Jay. "That was what I was thinking Jay, but yet they said no it would look horrible" Hannah says to Jay." Well light on the outside would look like a house full of life plus it would look welcoming to people, while darker inside would make it feel a bit cozy inside" Jay said backing up Hannah to her parents. "Well if that's what the professional painter says, then I guess it's good" said Jeff. "But-" Sophie started but was cut short due to Jeff giving her a glare. "Alright fine that will do I guess" said Sophie as she finally gave in.

The family then went to the store to get a few things for their house and when Jay was finishing up they were back. "So how was the shopping trip?" Jay asked Hannah. "Horrible, we were in there for hours looking through things to get and they couldn't come to a decision. It was a bit frustrating" said Hannah. Then jay called Jeff over "I trust you can keep our little secret about who I am?" He asked him." Yeah I will, not a word to anyone about who you actually are" Jeff said. " good because I don't want to do something I will have to do" Jay said as Jeff gulped. Then the rest of them came over and Jay said it was done. "Well thanks for that so here take it, now where will you be going?" Hannah asked. "Well I don't know exactly where. I suppose just a walk around town the grab a bite to eat somewhere for supper. Nothing really important to do" said Jay.

"Well maybe you can come over for dinner? Seems how you have nothing better to do, just call your folks" said Sophie as she came over. "Thanks I'm gonna have to take you up on that offer, but the thing is my family is dead and I live alone so no need to call home" said Jay. Then he just drove back to the ware house to drop off the supplies and drove home. After that he went for a little walk around town remembering everything he went through.

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