Chapter 24 A Little Family Get-Together

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A week after the trip

Jay wakes up and goes through his morning routine, but seems how it's the weekend, instead of going to school he sits down on his sofa and turns on the tv and starts flipping through till he sees a familiar movie playing. "The mask of Zorro eh? Haven't seen that in a while" he said and turned it on and takes off his mask. The notebook comes out of nowhere and lands on the table "first time you've taken off that mask while just hanging around here, wait, you look familiar" it said. "Yeah, guess I never explained, huh? My real name is Jackson Moore and uh, yeah, that's kind of why I'm not scared and that." He explained while rubbing the back of his head.

Nothing was written in the notebook for a few minutes before it read "it is, huh? Been quite a while". "Yes it has, Don't think I've forgotten who you are, I knew that writing the first day I saw it, and I just have one thing to say." Jay said. "What?" The ghost has written in it. "I'm sorry." Is all he said. Nothing was written in the notebook now, it was completely blank, so Jay took it as a sign to continue. "I'm sorry for what I did, it's my fault your dead, and I've wanted and wanted to express to you for so long that I'm sorry." He said while choking up a little. The lights flickered for a moment as the notebook rose up from the table "it's alright Jay, or should I say Jack, I forgave you already, I knew what actions transpired and I know it's not your fault of what happened. You can't control it, that much is evident. I know what your doing now, and I know you are making things right from an accident that we never could've prepared for, quit beating yourself up over it." It said. "I know, but I can't help but blame myself for what happened. We both know that's how I am and how I've been for the longest time, I've been beating myself up for years over what happened. How I killed you, Mom, and Dad, I didn't mean to, but it's my fault you all are dead." He said with tears starting to fall from his eyes. Then he looked up at the notebook as it was writing itself, but in a different font, like it was someone else writing now.

"Son, all 3 of us are here, we've been here, not here in this apartment, but here with you. We've been watching you and everything you've done. Austin May not know the full story, but me and your mother have been with you since the accident. Since you carry my mask and her lighter with you everywhere you go, you are making this world a better place for everyone, especially the next generation of people. We forgive you" it said. "Dad, Mom, Austin, I'm glad I had this chance to talk with you guys again, and apologize for what happened." Jay said. The notebook landed on the table as 3 figures appeared in front of him, one of an older male who looked a little like him with a pair of glasses. One of a woman with the same colored eyes as Jay's, and finally one of a older man with Jay's hair color and Facial features. "Yeah, and now that we know who you have an interest in and what your desires are, and the fact that you finally know we forgave you, it's time for us to rest. And your father made me look away when you were with her on top of that cave" the woman, his mother started. "Honey, that was a private moment for him and Hannah, and I'm glad he finally showed her who he was and showed her his true feelings for her." The older guy, Jay's father stepped in. "Well son, this is where we part ways for good, we'll be waiting for you, but please take your time, and well, you know what to do." His father winked at him, giving him a silent message. "Yeah, I will, I'll see you guys in a bit, and thank you, I needed that." Jay responded with as his mother and father glowed and disappeared, leaving him alone with Austin, his older brother who he had been staying with for a while. "You know, I'm surprised you didn't notice the mask, I thought it'd be a dead giveaway for who I am." Jay said as he got up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee. "Yeah, well, I haven't seen it in years before you showed up, didn't even see it the day we died, But that's life for you, I guess." Austin said while floating over to him. "Well, what's your unfinished business? I thought you wanted to go with them." Jay said while gesturing to where their mom and dad disappeared from. "I did, but I also like staying here, and so I decided that I'm staying here with you for a while longer, although I'll still just be chilling in either the living room and in here." Austin said while gesturing to the kitchen their in.

"Alright, but please don't scare any guests if they come over, I'd rather not have to deal with a person exiting here screaming that they saw a ghost in the icebox" Jay said while they both shared a laugh and went back to the living room. "Okay, I won't scare any guests or anything, and I won't leave the kitchen and living room area. You have my word" he said. "Alright, oh and Austin?" Jay said with a different tune at the end of his voice. "Yeah?" Austin asked. "Glad to be able to hang and talk with you again." Jay said while he sat down again as Austin faded away, still remaining in the apartment, but not being able to be seen.

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