Chapter 9 The Were-brid has a heart?!

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People outside looking for you. Looks like they mean business. Hope you have armory, because they have lots of guns ready and waiting said the notebook. "Thanks for the information and you know I do, but the question is do I have to use it?" Jay asked to the ghost, while Hannah and the general looked confused as to where the notebook came from. Jay then fixed his mask as he was asked "what just happened? Where did that notebook come from and what does it mean when it says "people outside I hope you have an armory" by Hannah. "It means people are after me for stuff I did or didn't do some time ago. Now go and hide while I take care of this, you too general. Hide you don't know what's about to happen" Jay said as he walked to the door. "What will you do? You are just a human being like us, so what power do YOU have?" asked the general. "My friend will help and I will back him up now hide" Jay told them as he walked outside locking the door.

Jay started to transform the second he locked the door but calmed down a little. "I know you here! Just come out and we can talk about it! Just a little chat or if you prefer to meet my friend, well he has one HELL of a first impression!" Shouted Jay. A herd of people walked out from no where and pointed guns at him. "Jay Colsen, I think it's about time you die for what you did" one of them shouted back. Jay remembered him from school, the one he fucked up for messing with Hannah, Ryan.

At that moment, the moment he recognized who it was Jay got pissed, all this because he kicked the shit out of him?! Jay was more than pissed, he was infuriated. He then transformed in front of all of them, not that it mattered because he was about to kill them. First his body, then his legs, arms next, out came the tail, claws and more, skinned changed to black and the he blacked out when his head transformed.

Hannah heard it again, that same loud sound she heard when the were-brid showed up the first time so she knew it was here now. She looked out the window as the creature, slashed, clawed, bit, and killed all the people out there. She knew she should have kept her head down, but the creature was so interesting and enchanting. Then she saw him, the one who bullied her on the first day of school, she saw him get torn open, neck bit in half and intestines ripped out and guts everywhere, the "demon cat" looking for his heart. And she saw as it devoured the heart in one gulp. It then looked up at the apartment, and she could swear it looked right at her again, this time there was nothing to stop it.

It moved closer and closer as Hannah started getting even more anxious, and the general, the general was nowhere to be found. Then it's wings moved and it flew upwards and landed right on the railing. It pulled its arm back and clawed open the window. Hannah fell backwards to avoid getting hit by its claws, its fur then whipped out like arms and grabbed her and pulled her up on its back then flew off. Hannah didn't know where they were going but she knew that it wanted to take her somewhere and it didn't want to hurt her. As she closed her eyes and felt the breeze of the wind in her face she calmed down and relaxed against it. She felt it purr and fly much smoother. It soon landed at her house, as she wondered how it knew where she lived. But she looked at the time and realized school was out now so it didn't matter if she was home now. She could just make up an excuse about how she got home so fast. The were-brid let her off and bumped its nose against her back and pushed her forward a little. As it flew off Hannah waved bye at it and thought up of an explanation as to why.

Jay woke up out front of his apartment, knowing full well what happened, that he killed all of them, but nothing else. He sat up and saw the window of his apartment and made his best guess.

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