Chapter 5 No bark all bite

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As Jay drove back to the warehouse he got a call from a text from his boss that said
James: keep the car it's yours now
Jay: why? Don't you want your car back?
James: I have another so you can keep that one
Jay: well at least let me give you a ride back to your place
James: alright but just because I need my other car

And with that they didn't text each other as long as Jay was driving.

As Jay arrived at the warehouse he noticed his boss was waiting out front for him. Jay parked his new car where it was when he was given the keys to it. He then grabbed the supplies from the back and carried them to the door. "So how was the job? And I was serious, you can keep the car. I really didn't know you didn't have one" James said as Jay walked up. "The job wasn't bad but the house was in real bad state but it took me 2 hours the most. And thanks for the car and it's not your fault you didn't know, I just never told you I didn't have one. Oh and I told them they could pay half of it" is what Jay responded with. "Why half? Why not the full price?" Asked James. "Well judging by the condition the house was in before I started working on it, they didn't have that much plus that was the house her parents chose" answered Jay. "Her parents chose? Your acting like you talked to a child of theirs" said James. "Well her parents were sleeping and she is in high school like me, I met her before in school and I stood up for her and everyone else who was getting bullied" said Jay. "Well then there goes half your paycheck this week" said James. "Well they are new and need the money more than I do" Jay retorted. And as Jay walked out the door he shouted back at him " see you Monday and don't forget I am almost always available for work." Then Jay got in his new car and waited for James to get in it, and after Jay dropped James off at his place Jay started driving to painters union

As soon as Jay got there his boss was sitting out front of it waiting for him."where were you?! You have a job here! Did you expect me to do your portion?! Well speak Colsen!" Shouted his boss. Thanks to the beast inside him he got a little ticked off from this response and shouted at the top of his lungs at his boss "YOU KNOW WHERE I WAS, I WAS AT MY OTHER JOB!! I HAD A JOB TO DO THERE TO AND I JUST GOT THIS CAR FROM MY OTHER BOSS. BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE THE CASH TO BUY MY OWN!!! I WORK 6-7 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK FOR THIS SHIT OF A JOB AND THEN THERE IS SCHOOL AND PAYING RENT ON TIME FOR MY APARTMENT BECAUSE MY FAMILIES DEAD FUCK FACE. SO I DON'T EVER WANT TO HEAR YOUR SHIT YOU PEDOPHILIAC BENNIDECT CUMBERBACH LOOKING MORHERFUCKER!!!" "Well I didn't expect that, and I didn't know how hard you worked to keep up rent. Sorry and I am also sorry about how I've been treating you ever since you joined us. You're a hard worker and work circles around the others and you do it much faster than them too. I didn't mean to get you that riled up, so sorry but now if you're late I now know why" said Henry. Jay had to calm down, he knew this is what the beast wants, it wants him to get angry so it can take control again.

Jay then apologized for snapping at him "I just have a short temper, I really didn't mean to say all that. Now can I get to my job?" And his boss Nick just went and said "yeah go ahead and we just got a call for a job. And they specifically asked for you Colsen, but I don't know how they knew you worked for us, here's the address" "oh, them again  yeah they know me I was at their place earlier fixing it up. I might as well be that houses personal fixer well see ya when I get back" said Jay.

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