Chapter 7 invited for dinner and a questionaire

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He showed up back at his apartment and the manager was out front waiting for him. "Dammit, why is everything going wrong today?" he asked himself inside his head. "Hey, Larry let me guess rent?" Jay said as he walked up to him. "Yeah it's that time of the month again, so I assume you have it?" Larry asked. "Yeah here it is all 500 so take it" Jay said as he walked in to his apartment, giving an envelope with 500$ in it.

"Thanks Jay, you know for someone who gets a bad rap you aren't that bad of a person. Even though you took the apartment that was haunted, you somehow manage to live here. How?" Larry asked him. "It's simple after I moved in the ghost started fucking with me like everyone else who stayed here before me. I just terrified the shit out of the ghost which wasn't easy but now we have made an agreement and he is fine with me living here" Jay explained.

1 hour later

Jay was lounging around his house having nothing to do until his phone pinged. He checked it and it was an unknown number. But that kind of took him out of the flashbacks. Jay then looked at the time and started walking to his car until people came out of nowhere and said "give us your wallet punk" said the one that looked like the leader of them. Jay said "you have 5 seconds to get out of here" he then started counting to 5. "Why should we listen to you? There are 5 of us and 1 of you" said the leader again. Jay then got 5 and he started. He knocked the first one down in 1 blow, then he turned around and punch the 2 behind him in the gut. When they fell down on their knees Jay spun around and kicked one in the shin, breaking his leg. "4 down, 1 to go. You have a choice try to fight and end up like your friends, or help them and get them out of here" he said to the last one. They then ran off and so Jay got in his car and started driving to the Dawson residence.

"Your late, what happened?" Hannah asked as he pulled up to their house. "Some guys tried to rob me but I took care of them that's why I'm late" Jay responded. "I hope you didn't hurt them to bad, it would be a shame if one of them died because of you" said Jeff as he walked out "come on in" he said as he held the door open. As Jay was about to go in Jeff stopped him and told him "they're going to ask you some personal questions so watch out" and then Jay thanked him and walked in. He first went to the bathroom to wash up because of the fight. He walked in, washed his hands and face he then put his mask back on and walked out.

Jay walked back to the kitchen and helped them set it up. When they sat down and started eating. "So Jay where are you from?" Sophie asked. "A town not to far from Nashville, Tennessee" Jay replied.
"Where are your original parents from?" Hannah asked. "My father is from Ireland and my mother is from Nashville. They met in the town I was born in. My father was looking for work and my mother just got out of college so while he was working there she showed up looking for work. They eventually got to know each other, then fell in love and then came my older brother, my biological brother and me just a few years later. Now can we please get off the subject of my family?" Jay asked.

"Well you can ask us questions" said Sophie. "Where were you guys before you came here?" He asked them. "We were in Charleston before we came here and before that we were in Tennessee" said Jeff. "1 last question for you Jay. Why do you wear a mask?" asked Sophie. "I will tell you the same thing I told your daughter. I wear this mask for personal reasons but 1 thing I didn't say was it's also to help atone for some ancient sins of mine. I used to do some horrible things so I wear this mask to see how much I changed from being the monster I once was" Jay responded with.

"Well what are your ancient sins that your trying to correct? It couldn't be that bad right?" Asked Hannah. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you about them. I actually used to be the worst of the worst. Anything someone would consider irreversible or impossible I would call a every other day thing let's just leave it at that for my past...indiscretions" said Jay then he asked "why did you want to have me over for dinner?" "We would like to now more about you and see just how different you are from the rest of them. Plus we heard multiple stories about you. Rumor has it you know where the demon-cat is. Is that true?" Sophie asked. At this Hannah spat out her drink and asked "do you? How many times have you seen it? How can it do what it does? Is it a failed military experiment? But most importantly WHAT is it?"

"Yes I do know where it is so the rumors are true. I have seen it to much to count. It can do what it does because of what it is. No it is not a failed military experiment. As for what it is, it may have gained the name "the demon-cat" but it is actually a were-brid. And the last of its kind. It's a person who can turn into that animal, but it will only happen on a crescent moon or if the person gets angry. This were-brid is a mix of a demon, a black panther, a king cobra, and a wolf. It is a very rare species, not to mention almost completely extinct" explained Jay.

"You sound like you professionally researched it and its kind, but you do know where it is at this moment?" asked Jeff. "Yes I know what it's doing at this very moment and I did research it and its kind I know everything their is to know about it" said Jay. "You called it a were-brid. So you know who it is when they aren't transformed?" asked Hannah. "Yeah I do. I know him personally and he isn't half bad of a guy when you get to know him. We shared common interests in researching what it was so we worked together to figure it out. Later on they let me know who they were and why they were interested so much about it" Jay said.

"Can we meet him?" asked Hannah and Jay got up, took his plate to the sink and when he got to the door he said "you already have, you just didn't know it. Thanks for the meal guys I'll be going now see ya at school Hannah" and with that he walked out the door leaving all of them speechless.

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