Chapter 14 The game begins

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At the cabin

Everyone was enjoying breakfast while Jay sat down in the living room and was reading a newspaper about the latest events, and of course there was an article about him. The demon cat was apparently a nuclear side-effect or a failed military experiment. "If only they knew what and who it was, they would stay away from the subject" Jay thought. He then heard a sound and sniffed the air a little to see who it was. "Hey Ryleigh, hows it going?" Jay said without looking. "How do you keep doing that? You always know when someone is somewhere, I was trying to sneak up on you" Ryleigh said while smiling at him. "Well, my senses are a bit more sensitive and better than the normal persons' senses" Jay explained. She then went and sat down beside him and turned on the tv, Jay then got tired of hearing it and set the newspaper on the table and walked out the door.

Hannah was eating a doughnut and staring off into space until she saw Ryleigh move, and she watched as Ryleigh went to try and sneak up on Jay and get caught. In Ryleigh's smile Hannah felt something inside her heart, and she wasn't sure if it was good or bad at first, but when Ryleigh sat down next to Jay she got a bit angry at that and started to feel relieved when Jay got up.

Jay went into the woods and walked around for a bit in it. He stopped when he heard a sound he turned around and was standing face to face with a creature he remembered all too well. Jay Just stood there emotionless as the thing screamed at him, Jay then just wiped the spit off his face and stared at it and sighed "you done yet?" And then it tried to swipe at him with a claw. Jay stopped it with one hand and hit it in the face with the other one, as the things stumbled back a little it turned and ran up a tree and disappeared. He then heard a sound come from the way he came and decided to head back. While walking he barely mumbled and growled "and just like that, the game begins"

Hannah sighed while laying down in the living room and staring up at the ceiling. "Hey, what's wrong Hannah? You seem upset about something" asked a voice. Hannah then looked down and saw Marshall  looking at her. "Just heard a few things that shocked me today. And Jay is gone right now, and nothing exciting is happening so I'm quite bored, and I also haven't heard anything on the demon-cat lately" she said. "Well, Jay likes to go off on his own sometimes, clear his head, other wise he'd go a bit crazy. As for the demon-cat, Jay is the leading expert on it. He's read all about it and knows almost everything about it, but where he got the books and read about it, even we don't know. And what was the things that shocked you?" Marshall asked while pulling up a chair.

"Well, that's another way Jay reminds me of him, and what shocked me a little was the fact that Jay knows a lot more about stuff then people give him credit for. As for Jay and the demon-cat, I've asked him about it, and he told me some stuff but I have a feeling he's hiding something, which is frustrating. I'm going out to look for him, apparently he is the only one with all the answers" Hannah said as she was getting up. Marshall grabbed her wrist and stopped her, as the rest of the group appeared around her. "W-What the hell is going on?" She asked them. "Sorry, but there is a reason no one asks him everything, the last person who got close to him, well, it wasn't pretty to say the least. He's been hurt to many times to count, and in return he hurts people, not on purpose, but he can't control it. Plus he goes here every year, he knows what he's doing. He's different, that's for damn sure" Marshall explained. "W-wait, What happened with the last person who got close to him?" Hannah asked and at that moment, they all turned their heads as they heard an unfamiliar scream. Well, unfamiliar to everyone but Hannah, as she the flashed back to the past.

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