Chapter 20 The Questions and Irritation

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On the way back Jack and Hannah talked about a bunch of random stuff, not really a topic but just something that they could keep entertained with. They finally arrived at the place they were staying and Jack looked around, and took in a deep breath. They went inside as they were suddenly ambushed by the group, asking questions like "where have you been?" "Where did you 2 go?" "why did you take Jay's car?" and Jack got tired of these questions and just left the place and walked off into the forest.

He heard someone following him but he didn't question it, he was quite used to it at this point. "Got tired of them?" He heard her ask. "Nope, just got tired of the questions is all, Hannah" Jack said and continued walking. They ended up back at the cave as Jack just sighed and sat down with his back against some rocks. Hannah sat down not far from him but not close either.

Jack got confused at this and sighed again "you know I don't bite, right?" He asked. "I know, you just look between a mix of angry and annoyed, and I know to keep my distance when your like that, you can snap at any moment, and I'd rather not see that again." Hannah said as she shivered at the memory of it. He just sighed again and looked up as a bear was approaching them. He got up and started to walk over to it, he then heard Hannah ask "what are you doing now?". "Getting tonight's dinner and a new rug" is all he replied with before making it to the bear. He looked it up and down as it stood up on its hind legs. Jack Just walked around it so it's back was to the cave and as the bear turned around and swiped at his head, Jack dodges and knew he had to watch what he did so he didn't reveal he was Jay to Hannah.

As soon as it's arm went down, Jacob then took 3 of his fingers and his thumb and raised his hand. He then stroked 4 areas around the bear's heart and finally hit where the bear's heart was so fast it was almost invisible. It instantly fell down, completely dead. "Jack, what did you just do to that poor thing?" Hannah asked him. Jack Just picked the bear up and said "I made its heart explode, it was quick but painful." and then started walking back. He heard Hannah walking behind him, following him again. They made it to the cabin and Jack just dropped the Bear's body onto the ground and went inside, he came out with a knife and a beer. "Jack, no drinking, you're too young to be drinking!" Hannah said as she took away the beer.

Jack just sighed "if you don't want to see this bear's intestines get ripped out and pulled apart, I suggest you go inside" and as he said it, he heard himself kind of monotoned, as If he wasn't really alive. He just felt numb all over, not a single feeling in him, he then looked up at Hannah as she just looked kind of shocked for a moment before slowly reaching down for the knife "o-okay we need to get you calmed down, before someone gets hurt" she said. She then grabbed the knife and closed it and put it in her pocket. Jacob just took the dead bear and threw its body in the basement area of the cabin. He then locked the only way into it and went back.

He could then feel the churning in his stomach and he knew what was about to happen, he dashed off into the forested area, leaving Hannah and the group behind. He started breathing a bit heavier and felt him start changing into that thing again. He felt the tail come in, and started to see his arms and legs change. He then felt his body get a lot heavier and could feel 2 sharp pains in his back as the wings sprouted. He finally lost consciousness when his head changed.

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