Chapter 13 Breakfast and a mystery man

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Hannah woke up to Jay's arm around her and him right up against her and she felt her face heat up but she didn't move. She then heard jay wake up and then quickly move his arm and move away from her.

She waited like she was still asleep, then she sat up and stretched and yawned. She then looked over towards Jay and saw him readjusting his mask on. "Good Morning, i guess" said Jay without turning around. "Oh uh, good Morning Jay, how did you sleep?" She asked him. "Alright I think, you?" Jay said as he stood up and stretched.

"I had a good dream, but in it i was reminded of someone I used to know" Hannah said while looking down as her tone changed part way through from happy to down. Jay sat down at the edge of the bed and looked at her. "Ah, I see, so who was this someone?" He asked her. "He was an amazing person, he was smart, kind, did his best and more, he would always protect others and he was a never-ending ball of sunshine" she said while she sighed and looked up with a smile. "Sounds like you might have had a crush on him" Jay said in a quizzical tone. "Yeah, I kind of did, you remind me somewhat of him in some cases, the way you fight, your eyes, that hairstyle of yours, it reminds me all of him" she said while looking at him. Jay just sighed and brushed his hair back with his hand "really now? What was his name?" He asked her.

"His name was Jackson Moore, and he was the best" She said. She felt Jay get up from the bed and when she looked up he was standing right beside her. "You said Jackson Moore correct?" He asked her. "Yeah, but he disappeared some time ago, I never knew where he went, I don't know if he's alive or if he's taking care of himself, but most importantly I never got to tell him how I felt" she said. Jay sighed and said in a louder tone "you can come out now, I can hear you behind the door" and in that moment the door swung open as they saw their friends walked in.

Jay's ears perked at a sound. Thanks to the thing inside him, some of his senses were enhanced some and Jay just sighed and said "you can come out now, i can hear you behind the door" as it swung open as their friends walked in. "Sorry for eavesdropping, we just heard you guys talking and wondered what happened and why you were sleeping in here" explained Ryleigh. Jay just shrugged and sighed, "she wanted me to sleep in here, she also said that I needed to sleep in a bed so she said I could bunk with her" he said.

Jay then turned around and looked at Hannah. "We need to talk soon, about that dream you had, and Jackson as well" he said as she just nodded at him. All of them then walked out of the room and Jay turned around to face them all. "So, What do you all want for breakfast?" He asked them. There ended up taking a vote between eggs, bacon, and toast or doughnuts, it was 2-4 with doughnuts having the majority so Jay went out to get doughnuts.

As he went and got to his vehicle his ears perked again as he heard someone behind him, then he smelled the all familiar scent. "Hey Hannah, let me guess, you want to come and get doughnuts with me along with talking about him?" He asked her without turning around. "Uh, yeah actually, I wanted to do that exactly. What do you have? telekinesis? And how did you know I was coming up here to you? Which also raises the question, how did you hear them behind the door?" She asked. "Well, I don't have telekinesis, but I do have exceptional hearing, which is how I heard you and them" he explained "so let's go" he said while he got in.

She hopped in on the other side and Jay revved the engine and started driving. As they headed there they talked like normal people just going for a drive, and not a horrible, untamed beast and an old friend. "So how do you know him, Jay? How do you know who Jackson is?" She finally asked. "I ran into him before, quite literally too, we introduced ourselves and started talking. He's not too bad of a guy, your not wrong, he can be a ball of sunshine sometimes" Jay said. He then stopped the car as they arrived at the doughnut shop. "So then, how is he? And how long ago did you meet him?" She asked him as they got the doughnuts and went back to the car. "I met him not too long ago, and last time I checked, he said he was doing fine, he's actually living not too far away from where I live" Jay said. They listened to a bit of music on the way back while Jay was humming to it, Hannah was thinking of where he could be at this moment.

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