Chapter 2 The transformation

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While heading to Mr.McCoy's class his friends mentioned how the moon was already showing. Jay remembered that tonight was a crescent moon so he knew something was about to happen, something bad.

Mr.McCoy's class at 1:00pm

Jay could sense the moon, he knew it was up there but he didn't want to look at it. The thing always taunted him, wanting him to change into that, thing. "Okay class if you look out the window, you will see that not only is the moon a crescent but also it is a red moon tonight" said Mr.McCoy. Jay just had to look, the temptation was to great even for him but also it was a red moon the night his family died.

The moment he looked up he regretted it. He instantly started to feel the change between him and the were-brid. "Mr.McCoy, can I go use the restroom" Jay asked. "Yes you can Jay" answered Mr.McCoy. And so Jay took the pass and ran right out the door and didn't stop running until he was outside the school. Then he couldn't hold it off anymore, he just had to change into it.

He managed to get in between some trees while transforming. First came the arms,then the legs, then incomes the tail and claws, and finally as he looses consciousness the head transforms.

Hannah heard something while in Mrs.Stopiak's room, and she could have sworn it sounded like a roar. Apparently she wasn't the only one that heard it because the class looked around thinking it was a ringtone at first. "Whosever's phone that was, next time I hear it, it's mine"said Mrs.Stopiak as she turned around to face the class. Then right when she turned back around the intercom turned on and it was the principal's voice. "Teachers and students we strictly advise you to stay in your classrooms. The demon cat is right outside so you are hearby denied access to leave your rooms, much less the school. I will tell you when it is all clear to go back to doing what you were doing. Students feel free to get ahold of your families if you can and let them know what is happening. Thank you" said the principal. Then he shut off the intercom.

Everybody was now freaking out due to this being a real threat, that is everybody except Hannah. Due to being new to this school much less this town she hardly knew anything about the demon cat, but she did read about it. However she only assumed it was a myth, but she never thought about how real it could be. "Look out the window! It's right there with Mr.McCoy!" shouted a student. Everyone rushed to the windows to see this, even Hannah.

The moment she looked she saw what happened, Mr.McCoy who was just alive a minute ago was now lying dead sprawled in the grass. His body was torn open, his organs, intestines, lungs, and his heart was all out of his body. And the thing that killed him was standing right there. This was the first time she saw the demon cat, it had midnight black fur like it was made out of nightmares and shadows, giant red leathery bat wings, its eyes were Mitch matched colors,the left one had black were the white was supposed to be and a red pupil, while the right one had red where the white was supposed to be and a black pupil. It's teeth were not only pointy all around but also stained with blood and dripping blood as well. It then looked up, but Hannah could swear it looked right at her.

While the rest of the class backed off from the windows Hannah was frozen in fear. She thought the thing would fly up to her and kill her. Then cops arrived and the shot at it, the bullets didn't hurt it more over of just annoyed it. It then gave one last glance up at her and then attacked the cops. Hannah watched as the bullets disappeared into it due but also the beast lunge at the officers and swipe at them. The moment a claw touched one of the officers, he jerked over in pain. Then it attacked the other right after. After it killed both of them more showed up, as of right on cue it let out another roar, but this one sounded worse then the last one. Like it was now pissed at the officers, and 1 by 1 they fell in pain and agony. The last one Hannah felt bad for. Not only did it lunge at them, but also swiped at them and clawed them repeatedly until the thing was satisfied with its work. It then gave Hannah another glance and flew off.

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