chapter 18 The Game Ends

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Jack let Hannah enter the room first and quietly locked the door behind him. He then heard Hannah sit down on the bed and he then turned around with his back now to the door and smiled at her. Jack just said "I suppose you have some questions for me? Considering the fact that I showed up out of nowhere and helped and attacked that thing, guided you back to this cabin and am now in here with you" Hannah just said "yeah, you could say I have some questions, like oh, I don't know, where have you been for years? Where did you go? What happened? Why are you here? How did you know about this cabin? And yeah, why in here?" She asked. Jack just chuckled a little at this while smiling.

Hannah heard him chuckle and saw his smile, damn how she missed that smile and little laugh. She couldn't help but smile a little to herself, She could feel Jack's eyes travel up and down her body and focus on her eyes. She could see nothing but kindness and happiness in those eyes of his. He opened his mouth and said "well, for years I've been around, and doing this and that. I went to a multitude of places, and ended up not far from here, looking into something. I'm here because I was asked to show by Jay, due to a little incident involving his mask getting torn. I know of this cabin because I showed it to Jay, and finally, why am I in this room with you? Because I figured you wanted answers to some questions you could've had and that we needed to talk." He then looked at the time and sighed and said "I better get going, it's only going to get darker, I'll see you around Hannah." He then turned around but Hannah got up and grabbed his wrist and looked into his eyes again. "So your saying you have no where else to be tonight, no place to stay the night?" Hannah asked. "Nope, got no where to be and no where to stay the night, although If i don't pass out, outside. Then I'll probably just crash on the sofa" he answered. "How about you stay in here with me? After all we are childhood friends and haven't seen each other in years, and I kind of need to be in bed with something to calm down and not get any nightmares" she said, making up a believable excuse for him to stay with her. He chuckled again and turned back again with his back against the door again and smiled at her. "And you didn't bring a stuffed animal with you?" He asked. "Nope, forgot it" she said. Jack laughed at this and smiled again "I know that's just an excuse, I've known you practically all our lives, so I know that's just an excuse, but I don't mind." Jack said as Hannah could feel her face turn a little red and she bit her lip and turned her head. "M-maybe I do, so what? It's not like I like you or anything" she mumbled. Jack chuckled again and turned her head towards him and he kissed her forehead. She went wide-eyed and continues blushing a little.

Jack was smiling because he knew what she was doing and couldn't help it. He didn't mind though, he loved her, plain and simple. He wrapped his arms around her in a close embrace, then he heard her say "um, Jack, you still don't have a shirt on." And he just chuckled and said "I know". She backed away from him and looked him up and down, now finally seeing all the scars on some light. She noticed some things, there was more than 1 gun shot wound, there were multiple, as if he was put in front of a firing squad. It looks like he was also stabbed and slashed in multiple areas with blades. "So uh, how exactly did you get all of those?" She asked him. "From fighting mostly, but there are some that aren't, as I said, life hasn't been easy, and this world is awfully rough" he replied. "And the bullet marks? What do you call that?" She asked. "I call it surviving a bit of hell, but I deserved it for what I did" he answered. "How did it feel, when the bullets passed through your body?" She asked, hoping to see him be more human, not letting him getting emotionless again. "It tickled" he said while laughing a little.

"You are definitely a die hard, you know that? It's like you can survive anything" she said as she went up and started feeling his scars again. "Not anything, a bullet to the head or heart will kill me, along with being away from you for too long" he chuckled. She then felt his back, and noticed something. "Turn around" is all she said. He did as he was asked and she saw marks across his back, making a giant X on it. "Jack..." she said in a soft voice. "H-how did you get these?" She barely whispered as she ran her hand up and down them. "Through chains and whips made of bones. They thought locking me up wasn't good enough, so they beat me, abused me, and tortured me. Locked me up in a basement and had me chained to a wall. The only times they removed the chains was to either beat me with said chains, or whenever CPS came and told me to hide the marks" he sighed. He then turned around and faced her, holding her hand. "As i Said, Life hasn't been fun and it's been awfully rough. But no matter how much physical pain I go through, nothing hurts me more than seeing you in pain, seeing you hurting." He said while staring into her eyes. "I think we should get some sleep" He then said while still staring at her eyes. "Y-Yeah, we should" she said, not wanting to break eye contact. But they eventually crawled into opposite sides of the bed.

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